How To Make Your Own Applesauce

Make Your Own Applesauce. 3-4 pounds apples, mixed variety ¼ cup of apple juice or cider or water 2 cinnamon sticks or 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, optional 3-4 tablespoons sugar, optional. 1. Quarter apples and place them in a large pot. Don’t bother removing the cores or peels; they contribute flavor, nutrition, and color.
How to make your own applesauce. The solution to all of my applesauce woes is to make my own. I can make just as much as I need, and make it as tart, sweet, spiced or unspiced as I like. It's also a great way to use up apples that have a few bruises and bumps that make them less tempting for eating out-of-hand. And when I want to get creative, I can add other things, like. Method. Put the apples in a saucepan with the lemon zest and water. Cover and cook over a low heat until they are soft and mushy. Take off the heat and beat in the butter and the sugar. First, pick the apples: there are no rules. All apples make applesauce. But obviously, the taste will vary depending on the type of apples. Granny Smith will give you a tart applesauce whilst Golden Delicious will give you a really sweet one. I usually like to mix them up. Wait. That was a lie. Make Your Own Apple Sauce Step by Step with Pictures: 1) Wash apples. You can use as many pounds as your pot or slow cooker can fit. Any apples will do, but sweeter apples are better. You’ll find different apples will have different textures as well.
Make your own Applesauce! September 16, 2015; By Megan; Today was applesauce day at our house! It’s something we do every year, and I always look forward to a big bowl of warm applesauce made with freshly-picked apples. Then I fill the freezer with the rest, and we have it for the rest of the year. Make your own applesauce at home with just apples, sugar, cinnamon, and this recipe. Stir it every now and again to make sure that no apples are burning on the bottom. Once everything is soft, use a masher or a food mill (or the palms of your hands and a little bit of grit) to get your applesauce consistency of choice. It’s like peanut butter—we can debate whether creamy or chunky is better all day long. I loved the slightly chunky texture of the applesauce from using the masher, but if you prefer a smoother applesauce, you might want to try an immersion blender. And that’s really all there is to it! :-) With minimal effort and just a few hours in the crockpot, you can make your own healthy and delicious applesauce that everyone is sure to enjoy.
But they are excellent for making your own homemade applesauce and that’s what we make with them every summer. This tree also tends to drop it’s fruit, so the apples always have a few slight blemishes and bruises. Even if you don’t have your own apples, you can get a box from a neighbour, or a local orchard or check with your grocery. To make applesauce, start by peeling, chopping, and coring 3 pounds of apples. Then, peel 2 strips of lemon zest with a vegetable peeler and put everything into a large pot with some cinnamon, lemon juice, white sugar, salt, and water. Next, bring the mixture to a boil before reducing the heat to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Make Your Own: Applesauce. Tutorial. This is the third post in my “Make Your Own” series. If you’ve missed them, you can see how I made my own Laundry Detergent and my own Fabric Softener . Today I want to share how I made my own Applesauce. Homemade Applesauce is really yummy! And since I got my apples for free, the price is unbeatable. Most applesauce recipes call for the classic apple pie flavoring of cinnamon and nutmeg. Tip: Instead of using ground spices that quickly lose their potency on the shelf, try tossing one or two whole sticks of cinnamon into the pot along with a few scrapes of freshly grated nutmeg. More add-ins: Lemon juice to brighten up the taste, and fresh ginger to give the mix a little kick.
Homemade applesauce is easy to make with these fully illustrated, complete, simple recipe and directions. This recipe shows you how to can the apple sauce, store it in the fridge or freezer, and how to make sweet applesauce that is natural and without added sugar or chemicals! The applesauce will taste MUCH better than anything you've ever had from a store without adding any sugar or presevatives! Although you can make it any time of the year, right now is the absolute best time to make your own applesauce. You can’t beat the taste of homemade applesauce. The apples are ripe and ready for picking. That means that they are at their peak of natural sweetness. Therefore, you won’t even need to add sugar to your applesauce! Make your own delicious unsweetened applesauce with just apples, water and cinnamon. It’s easy, wholesome and tastes 10x better than the store-bought kind! We love making homemade applesauce because it’s simple and the kids love it! It makes for a great after school snack, like our homemade snack mix and favorite whole wheat bran muffins. While I usually only make enough for the recipe – 1 medium apple yields about 1/2 cup applesauce – today I scaled it to give you four servings. Ingredients: Note: all of these items are “to your own taste” kinds of things.