Xbox Appear Offline Last Seen

How to people appear offline and it says " last seen days ago playing... "Hello. I'm just wondering about this as sometimes I like to just appear offline so I dont get invited to parties etc.. It doesn't do it automatically, you can set your status in Xbox. Appear Online, Appear Offline or Do Not Disturb.
Xbox appear offline last seen. Someone confirm if this is true or not. When someone signs out and you look at their profile it will show the last time they were on (e.g. offline for 15 min) but when they appear offline it will just say "offline" and thats it. I think someone is avoiding me and I need to find out for sure. How to appear as ‘last seen’ on Xbox ? A few of my friends appear as ‘last seen x days ago’ even though they are online and i receive invites from them. When i check in-game, they are online.. When you're appearing offline it says "last seen xx ago" level 2. Original Poster 1 point · 1 year ago. Xbox Appear Offline So when I want to appear offline, all my friends know im still on unless it says “last seen home”. Is there a way to make it say that when im online?. I have noticed that also that you can see someone is on but appearing offline as it says "offline" and not "last seen". I know it does also say "offline" if someone. I can't just game sometimes in peace. I don't want to cut him off from being able to ever play together but i want to be invisible to him when i come online. I don't want to appear offline to my whole friends list and i i need to appear online to broadcast as well.
For some reason the last couple of days my xbox has said im last seen so many hours ago. I have tried everything that has been suggested to fix the problem but it still wont work. Have hard reset. Deleted my account and retreived it. Changed my internet connection. Checked all privacy settings and they are set to everyone. Like if they were last seen playing Rock Band and all of a sudden it says last seen playing Guitar Hero 3. My friends have commented on that to me before as I almost always Appear Offline. Wanting to Appear Offline but says Last seen: _____ Hello there. I always have my Xbox Live profile to say offline but I turned it on for one second and now its says Last seen: _____. Please it would be good in great full if someone an help me with the issue. In conclusion I just want my account to show. The only thing I can think of that would cause that is if you somehow set your status to appear offline. You didn't specify if you were on Xbox 360 or Xbox One. But I'll tell you how to fix for both. On Xbox One: 1. While on the Dashboard, open up the side menu by pushing the stick to the left. 2. Go all the way down to "Settings." Select "All.
How to appear offline on an Xbox One for everyone except your friends . If you'd like to hide your online status from people you don't know, but still let your friends know when you're online, you. Short answer is both. So when you appear offline, it will say “Last seen” usually. It will show the last time you ACTUALLY logged out of your account while appearing online. Sometimes Xbox just sets people to say “Offline” occasionally so even if they aren’t online it could simply say “Offline”. However, the setting to appear offline is within the reach of just a few clicks. Simply follow these steps: Open the Xbox Console Companion app on your Windows 10 device. On the left sidebar, click on the User icon. Click on the Appear offline If you open the app in windowed mode, click on More to reveal additional settings, then select Appear. Method 1: Appear offline to everyone. If you want to appear offline to everyone, including any friends, you can do so in just a few steps. Once you signed into Xbox Live, hit the Xbox button on.
How to appear offline on Xbox One – we explain how to hide your online status on Xbox, including details on how to customise exactly who can and can't see you. How to Appear Offline on Xbox One Sign into your account and immediately hit the Xbox Home button twice -- or navigate to the left to open the shortcuts/online pane. In that menu, select your. The appear offline feature is Xbox one is pretty worthless... if somebody goes to your page, it simply says "offline." When you're ACTUALLY offline, it says "last online xx hours ago," so it's super easy for people to see when you're appearing offline. When you appear offline, it should be like you turned your console off at that point, so it should say "Last seen 1m ago: Home" or whatever. I mentioned this on a few months ago, but I just got a stock cut and paste response from an MS staff member.