Wechat Application

Download WeChat Get WeChat App Apk for Free for PC Windows, Smartphone and Tablet. Download WeChat – Weixin: the best Text & Video Messaging Application and forget about other Messenger Apps. WeChat is available for all kinds of platforms. Enjoy group chat, support voice, photo, video and text messages. WeChat is the complete mobile.
Wechat application. WeChat Official Accounts Platform, provides the individual, businesses and organizations with a new service platform for business services and user management. WeChat lets you keep in touch with anyone who uses the same application, independent of the operating system that person uses, be it Android or iOS. You can send text messages to individuals and groups, pictures, videos, voice messages, GPS information, and even make video calls in high definition. WeChat Account. This field is required. Email. Invalid email. Prefer Being Contacted by. Email WeChat. When submitting a query to our customer support team, we use your user alias, WeChat ID, and other user profile data to investigate and communicate with you about your query. Our customer support team may be located outside of your country. This application is free to install and all the subscription also free. We can install from Google Play Store, iTune and Application World. [4] Can meet new friends In WeChat we can meet new friends from another country or village. We can shake from application WeChat provided or click People Nearby to meet new friends.
WeChat is a messaging and calling app that allows you to easily connect with family & friends across countries. Free Publisher: WeChat Downloads: 1,303 WeChat is a messaging and calling app that allows you to easily connect with family & friends across countries. It's the all-in-one communications app for text (SMS/MMS), voice and video calls, and files. • MULTIMEDIA MESSAGING: Send video, image, text, and file messages. WeChat is a messaging and calling app that allows you to easily connect with family & friends across countries. It's the all-in-one communications app for text (SMS/MMS), voice and video calls, and files. Download WeChat for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 15571 downloads this month. Download WeChat latest version 2020
WeChat is one of the most popular instant messaging services. Like WhatsApp and Messenger, WeChat is available for multiple platforms, including Mac, Android, iOS, and Windows.Using the desktop version, you can chat and share files with connections. In order to use the desktop version, you need to sign up with a mobile number. WeChat, a messaging, social media, and electronic payment application owned by the Chinese company Tencent Holdings Ltd., reportedly has over one billion users worldwide, including users in the. India was the first country to ban TikTok and WeChat, citing national security concerns. India has banned as many as 106 Chinese apps, a move welcomed by both the Trump administration and the US. WeChat's character stickers, such as Tuzki, resemble and compete with those of LINE, a Korean messaging application. Public accounts. WeChat users can register as an public account (公众号), which enables them to push feeds to subscribers, interact with subscribers and provide them with services. There are three types of official accounts: a.
Confirm login on mobile WeChat. Log in Switch Account. Tip: Web WeChat requires the use browser cookies to help you log in to allow the web application to function. WeChat Work is a communication and office automation tool developed by Tencent Inc for enterprises . With its same communication experience as WeChat, rich OA applications, and the ability to connect with the WeChat ecosystem, WeChat Work seeks to empower its enterprise users in the Era of Digital Transformation. WeChat adalah sebuah aplikasi yang membantu Anda untuk tetap terhubung dengan pengguna lain dari aplikasi yang sama baik pada sistem operasi Android atau iOS. Anda bisa mengirim pesan, foto, video, pesan suara, info posisi Anda (GPS) dan bahkan membuat panggilan video dengan kualitas tinggi baik dalam grup ataupun individu. WeChat is more than a messaging and social media app – it is a lifestyle for over one billion users across the world. Chat and make calls with friends, read news and use local services in Official Accounts and Mini Programs, play fun games with friends, enjoy mobile payment features with WeChat Pay, and much more.