Weather Underground App Not Updating

Hi there from the Weather Underground API Transition Team. We’d like to reiterate a few things and let you know of a few small timing changes as we move closer to the previously announced retirement of the Weather Underground API: Based on the response to the previous announcement as we neared year end, we have extended the retirement date to February 15, 2019 to allow you more transition.
Weather underground app not updating. If your problem is not listed, you can ask us directly using the email form. Website Assistance & Support For questions about linking your personal weather station to Weather Underground. This weather app is one of best free weather apps with full features: Local weather, weather map (weather map service) and weather widgets. Forecastle: Forecast now, hourly forecast and daily forecast app Widgets for Android: The weather radar widget free and clock widget weather with beautiful style. Weather map, weather radar map: Local weather radar app free with a lot of radar scope: Rain. Weather, at a microclimate level. Get your hyperlocal weather forecast, with precise current conditions and hyper-local updates from your closest weather station. With weather data from over 250,000 personal weather stations and a proprietary forecast model, Weather Underground gives you the most precise weather forecast at a truly hyper-local level. The app received a rating of 4.5 out of 5, or “excellent,” from the editor of PC Mag. In short, the app collects data from multiple sources, such as over 33,000 personal weather stations operated by locals who are interested in weather information. The Weather Underground app for Android is free and supplies a constant stream of weather.
Weather Underground is a commercial weather service providing real-time weather information via the Internet.. now only slightly disappointed with the met Office app (that's not too bad, by my standards!) 2020-07-04 21:39:38 @knsstxs @FreestateReal No. My weather station isn't on the internet (yet). The problem is all the idiots who pull out their phones and open the weather channel app. bUt iTs oNlY 20% cHaNcE oF rAiN aNd pArTlY cLoUdY. 2020-06-11 15:21:42 @JesseJamesATL @weatherchannel your app is trash and your site is down. 2020-06-09 23:50:42 @ScotPilie_Wx @ars_1004rn @Dave_Nussbaum @RadarScope @weatherchannel Technical issues with. AmbientWeather.Net Stopped Reporting. Weather Underground.Com Works Fine, WS-2902 . If stops reporting but continues to update, power down and up your console by removing batteries and AC power. There may have been a DNS server change that was not updated on the console. If it is reporting, there are several reasons why it is not updating in the app or the map: If you went offline or new to, it takes a day or two to get added to the map. If detects a Quality Control issue in your data (weather station went offline for a period of time, or temperature is out of range when.
Sometimes the weather apps on many phones don't do it on their own because the phone has those apps on a power saving mode by default. You need to check your phone's power saving settings. 04-21-2016 11:09 AM Over the past few days (since I downloaded the software update I think) my location on the weather app is not updating. Anyone else experienced that/any ideas. On Voda with Auto sync on. #1 digitalzico, Jun 10, 2010. Ten10 Member. Double check in the weather app that the update automatically option is checked. Then cycle the auto sync option on. Using the Weather app on the iPhone may seem like a no-brainer, but it has one little quirk out of the box: it won’t update unless you’re connected to Wi-Fi. For that, you have to turn this setting on. The Weather app is about what you would expect in a weather application. It will display the weather conditions at your current location. I am having the same issue with a US radar GIF as well. It does not appear to be updating the radar image properly, however the timestamp of the image in the upper left-hand corner is correct, nor is the application throwing errors, so it is getting new data from the server.
You rely on the Weather app to get real-time updates regarding temperature and accurate forecasts. Unfortunately, something goes wrong and your Apple Watch is no longer updating the weather app. Don’t let the confusion go on any further and fix the weather app to get into action by trying out some of the tried and tested solutions. Not sure what to tell you as I've had the same issue but clearing data has always worked for me. All I know is it always seems fine until a reboot, after which it seems to stop updating. I have not rebooted for over 600 hours now and the widget has updated every hour on the hour since. Weather Underground. The most hyper-local weather data wherever you are in the world. Features. The world's most accurate weather service, pinpointed to any microclimate. fēnix 6 series Weather widget not updating. New; Related This discussion has been locked. You can no longer post new replies to this discussion. If you have a question you can start a new discussion Weather widget not updating. I've already checked everything (background data, app permission, etc).