Weather Com App Not Working

Weather channel app crashing after the latest update on iPad. According to recent reports, many iPad users have reported about the Weather channel app not working and crashing after the new update. Users have been asking on the Apple discussions forums about what happened to the app.
Weather com app not working. MSN Weather app not working on Windows 10 computer? Here are 9 ways to solve that problem. If not, there are a few other ways to get weather reports too. Next, open the App Store on your iPhone, search for the weather App and Reinstall the Weather App on your iPhone. Update to the Latest Version of iOS. It is likely that your iPhone is not running the latest version of iOS and this is causing the problem with weather App or the Weather widget on your iPhone. 1. Windows 10 Weather App not working. I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. When I click the start menu and look in my tiles at the weather app it is showing the wrong area information. I tried to open the app to modify the settings, but the window opens to just the loading page with the sun light symbol in the middle. Way 1. Turn on Background Refresh for Weather App. Background refresh for the weather app allows the app to use Wi-Fi or cellular networks to refresh the content on the app. It is therefore possible that your weather app is not working because this feature has been turned off.
That did not seem to work. I have Uninstaller my Weather Channel weather app from my phone. The widget has not been on my screen since it stopped working. I shut off my phone today and then started it back up. It so will not work. I'm am not sure how to update a widget. When I press and hold it does nothing but wait for me to move it to my screen. App crashes consistently when doing specific actions. Luckily you can avoid it but it is not stable as-is and this doesn't appear to be getting fixed anytime soon. Zooming in does not scale resolution on radar. It will become pixelated as you zoom in. Quite ugly and awful, really. It gets the job done for what it is. Know the weather anywhere, right now with the world's most popular weather app. Forecasts: Get hourly and 15-day forecasts in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Current Through everything the app has always been there for me, telling me an accurate forecast and alerting me with weather notifications. Sometimes getting notifications from the weather channel app is even better than getting a text from my boyfriend. The weather channel app is easily my favorite app. Trusty, reliable, and always tells you the weather.
So I never got the app fixed but was having a few other problems too. I decided a clean install was the way to go and after spending about 8 hours doing a fresh install and putting all my other programs back on and getting the system the way I wanted, I can now report everything is working the way it should do if not better. 1. use weather skin scraping web site. 2. use weather skin scraping other weather web sites, for example, Foreca, DarkSky... 3. use other weather data feed, for exemple, AccuWeather, OpenWeatherMap... My own situation is a mixture of above. This weather app is one of best free weather apps with full features: Local weather, weather map (weather map service) and weather widgets. Forecastle: Forecast now, hourly forecast and daily forecast app Widgets for Android: The weather radar widget free and clock widget weather with beautiful style. Weather map, weather radar map: Local weather radar app free with a lot of radar scope: Rain. weather and My Radar aps not working on this computer all other aps are working windows. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.. link in their part of this discussion that says "Repair Weather App" that would determine the problem and fix the app.
Windows 10 Weather app is not working. If the Weather app’s Live Tile is not working, here are a few things to try: Unpin and then Pin again the Tile; Change the Tile’s size and see, by right. How to fix Microsoft Weather App not working? There are some things you can try when the Weather app’s Live Tile is malfunctioning. Try the steps below: Unpin the Weather app tile from Start. Pin it again. Right-click the tile, then click Resize. Restart your computer, then check if the Weather app tile is now working. Let Weather app refresh its data in the background. It might help the app run smoothly. Open Settings app → General → Make sure Background App Refresh toggle is on and then turn on the switch next to Weather app. Then reboot your device. Once your iPhone has restarted, check out if the widget is not working or not. The live tile and the apps are not on weather bug and you get a blank screen, click on the Weather channel and the weather channel comes up and then nothing happens. 0 Likes Reply