Voicemail App Not Working

Visual Voicemail includes voice-to-text voicemail transcription . Depending on your language and region, Visual voicemail may also include that love it or hate it feature voicemail transcription, available to folks using iPhone 6 models and later.
Voicemail app not working. (Android only) Sync the inbox. For help, see T-Mobile Visual Voicemail app. (Android only) Clear the app cache and app data of the VVM app. (Visit the Devices page for help.) Clearing the data deletes any messages over a month old and any messages saved only in the VVM app. To save messages or send as email, see T-Mobile Visual Voicemail app. **Important: Please read entire article** It can be frustrating to experience delays with your voicemail. That delay may occur for a variety of reasons – most likely due to issues outside of the YouMail app. Data connection, WiFi connection, third party applications or device OS can all conflict with the retrieval of your messages if configured incorrectly. Visual transcribed voicemail was working on my note 9, and I am on the $45 prepaid plan. Switched to s10 plus and no longer logs me in on app So I confirm it does work for some on prepaid. Not sure why some and not others, just offering my experience. 😌 😌 The Visual Voicemail app has quit working. I have had this phone for a year & the voicemail has been set up & working properly until now. It acts like voicemsil is not set up and when I go through the options to re-set it up, the app just keeps shutting down.
The first way to solve the visual voicemail not working issue on your iPhone, or even iPhone 5 voicemail not working is by closing and reopening the phone app. Sometimes the easiest solution can solve bigger problems in no time. So at first close your voicemail app and reopen it again to see if your problem exists or not. Why is Sprint Voicemail app not working? There are several reasons why the Sprint Visual application might not be working on your phone. Below is a look at some of the common ones, and top solutions to fix the issues. Visual Voicemail feature is not set up on your phone Tap on Voicemail and turn on visual voicemail there Note: You won’t see this option until the old visual voicemail app is removed from the phone; Visual voicemail messages. Now if you can’t find the Voicemail icon on the phone. Go to the phone app, tap the contacts (star or one-touch dial page) and you will find the Voicemail icon on the. Visual Voicemail not working, seemingly after app update I currently have a LG Escape 3 and up until recently I liked the Visual Voicemail app that was on the phone. However, it appears to have been updated as recently as two days ago and now it no longer works.
Before we proceed with the means to fix voicemail not working on iPhone, it is of prime importance to know if voicemail is set up on the phone on not. Also, at times some update my change or reset the configuration and cause new issues. Therefore before you proceed, open the Phone app and tap on the Voicemail tab to ensure that voicemail is set up. The "Voicemail app" in the phone's application drawer is only meant to be used as the interface for the Visual Voicemail system. With basic voicemail, use the notification symbol in the notification bar/shade when you have a voicemail or long press the "1" key on the phone keyboard to access the voicemail (dials *86). This will -not- delete any voicemail messages; it will only reset the app itself. You'll typically find it under: settings: then Apps or Applications. Now we'll need to locate the Visual Voicemail App. Scroll down to find the Visual Voicemail App. Tap the app, then tap force stop, then confirm. Now, tap Storage, then Clear Data. Tap to confirm. The free plan allows 10 voicemail transcriptions per month. You can either just read the transcriptions or play them if you want to hear them. After the 10th call in a month, you no longer get transcriptions, but you can still play the messages from the list in the app, which is faster than calling Mint’s voicemail and navigating by pressing.
Voicemail notifications not working. If you switched from a phone that lists voicemail in the Phone app to one that doesn't, you may not get voicemail notifications, or you may get unreadable text messages from your carrier. If your phone doesn't list voicemail in the Phone app: Step 1: Contact your mobile service provider My Note 8 doesn't have a voicemail app or icon. I will see the missed call just on the telephone app. Then to check if there is a voicemail I would have to get on the keypad and hold 1 to dial into my voicemail. I don't see any voicemail icon, but when i went into Settings then call settings i see voicemail. On your iPhone, open the Phone app, tap the Voicemail tab and tap Greeting. What settings you have there? If it is Default, change it to Custom and it is Custom, change it to Default. Restart the Phone app. You may be having this issue because the Phone app may not be working as expected. You may try restarting to the phone app to see if this. Just like any other app, the voicemail app may at times stall due to various reasons such as poor network configurations, updates, and in most cases, using outdated iPhone softwares. If you have an iPhone voicemail not working problem, you may experience one or all of the following issues; Receiving duplicate messages.