Vivino App Apple

A must-have App! I think Vivino is an extremely useful application. I recently stumbled upon it while stuck in the wine section at the back of an obscure little store in Nigeria, trying to identify a decent red wine among a rather unfamiliar selection.
Vivino app apple. Im Nu sehen Sie, wie anderen Vivino-Nutzern der Wein geschmeckt hat - basierend auf mehr als 90 Millionen Bewertungen. • Bis heute wurden mit Vivino mehr als 560 Millionen Wein-Etiketten gescannt und gut 10 Millionen Weine bewertet. Neben den Bewertungen der Vivino-Nutzer finden Sie auch die Meinungen der wichtigsten Weinkritiker in der App. Busca la app. Asegúrate de usar el nombre exacto de la app. Busca el nombre correcto de las apps integradas. Pulsa para restaurar la app. Espera a que se restaure la app y ábrela desde la pantalla de inicio. Si tienes un Apple Watch, al restaurar una app en el iPhone también la restauras en el Apple Watch. Vivino Wine App. I would like to introduce to the useful Vivino Wine App. This is not on behalf of the company, I wouldn’t do that to you, you know, bastardize my soul for advertising something I don’t believe in, this is purely my own voice. Vivino Wine App is a truly useful app which I use to help me keep track of what wines I drink and like. The Vivino App is one of the biggest wine apps currently, connecting wine lovers to their favorite wines at the moment. Anna, editor of Future Wine Expo sat with Heini Zachariassen, CEO and founder of Vivino - who spoke about the journey of Vivino, where it is right now, and where he sees the world of wine and tech going in the next few years.
Vivino beschikt over een database van bijna vijf miljoen wijnen. Wanneer uw wijn niet gevonden wordt, gaat de app er alsnog naar op zoek, maar het kan even duren voordat u het resultaat krijgt. Het kan ook gebeuren dat de app het jaar niet goed heeft, maar dat is eenvoudig aan te passen. Trusted by millions to discover and buy the right wine. The Vivino App. Choose your wine with confidence. Get ratings, read reviews, and check prices instantly just by snapping a photo of any bottle or menu. Make a purchase right from your phone.. Apple AppStore Google Play. Send a download link to my device. Send. I had a bottle of wine in a restaurant that I really liked. I pulled up my Vivino app and found the wine and ordered it that night. Within a couple of weeks I had the wine in my home. The packaging was very secure. It was a pleasant experience.
Retrouvez Vivino sur le Play Store et sur l'App Store. Vous pouvez également télécharger directement le fichier APK , vous trouverez un tutorial pour installer ce type de fichier à cette adresse . Vivino. Vivino is the app for serious wine drinkers. My favorite features of this app are that the wine catalogue is the second tab on the main screen and that the camera has an outline to help take photos. The home screen is similar to Facebook’s newsfeed, except it is full of wine articles on the industry, history, and wine lists to try for. Con oltre 42 milioni di utenti, Vivino è la comunità di amanti del vino e l'enoteca online più grande del mondo. Puoi valutare, recensire, scoprire e acquistare milioni di vini in pochi secondi. Come Funziona: • Scatta la foto di una qualsiasi etichetta o della carta dei vini di un ristorante, oppure effettua una ricerca per vino. • Potrai visualizzare istantaneamente le informazioni. Download Vivino: Buy the Right Wine and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With 42 million users, Vivino is the world’s largest wine community and the ultimate destination for discovering and buying wines.
The Vivino app is available on Google play, Windows, and Apple store. It is also free of charge and very easy to use. For Apple users, an operating system of iOS 7.0 or later. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. For Android users, the operating system required is 4.0.3 and above. Vivino App Features Include The Vivino app is amazing for its primary feature: using your cell phone’s camera, you photograph a wine label and Vivino quickly reports back reviews, typical prices and more. It’s indispensable when shopping for wine and confronted with a bevy of bottled beauties, and the tech is an elegant marriage of image search and wine data. Vivino’s unique wine shopping experience uses community data to suggest personalized wine recommendations, making wine discovery and purchase fun, accessible, and effortless for wine drinkers of every level. The Vivino app is available for download on Android and Apple devices. Are you a publisher looking to run the Vivino affiliate program? Vivino Deutsch: Die weltgrößte Wein-App - Kostenloser Download für ✓ Apple ✓ Android