Timesheet Approval Process

The timesheet process is possibly the least glamorous task at any company. Despite the monetary compensation attached, few employees enjoy incorporating clocking in and out into their work days. This explains the design goals of electronic software programs that involve a small number of clicks to complete.
Timesheet approval process. > Time Entry and Approval Process. Time Entry and Approval Process . A. Proper Use of Timesheets and Timecards. Formal attendance records must be maintained for each employee. These can be timesheets, timecards, or time records in the Kronos timekeeping system.. If a change is made to the Timesheet or Timecard after it has been signed by the. The steps of the approval process can also be assigned colors, so when a manager or employee marks a timesheet a specific status, the text in the cells of that timesheet becomes that color. Administrators can also lock a status, so that once the employee or manager marks a timesheet to a certain status, the entries in that timesheet cannot be. After a timesheet approver is set (as described in Designating Timesheet Approvers), the Submit button at the bottom of the timesheet changes to a Submit for Approval button. At the end of the timesheet period each user clicks Submit for Approval, which launches the timesheet approval process. When a timesheet has been submitted for approval. Timesheet Approval Process. Ensure that time reported by your employees is correct with the help of the timesheet approval procedure. Once the employee submits their timesheet for approval, the manager can approve or reject it (optionally with a comment).
Timesheet approvals use the Approval Framework feature to streamline the approval process. Service providers (or service provider contacts by proxy) can self approve a timesheet if the business unit enables timesheet approval and the service provider has been defined for self approval on the approval process definition. The Approval Process Approval of Time. You are approving the billable time of the timesheet that your consultant submits to you. A standard work week is 40 hours — this is 5 billable days. Non-billable time (e.g. public holidays or leave) is for information purposes only. The Approval Process. When a user submits a timesheet for approval the assigned approver will receive a notification that the timesheet is awaiting approval. The approver can review the timesheet for accuracy and can approve or deny the timesheet request. If the approver approves the request the status of the timesheet goes to approved. Timesheet Submission and Approval Process Submitting Timesheets. Once project members who need to submit timesheets for approval have the appropriate role, they will see a “Submit for Approval” button under any new timesheet entries for relevant projects. Figure: Submit Timesheets for Approval in Day-View
Email notifications are also available for alerting employees and employee managers of timesheet approval statuses. Depending on how many steps are created in your approval process, the possibilities for notifications in the approval process can be even broader than with reporting period notifications. When employee timesheets are automated, managers can immediately review them and approve/reject them, send the processes timesheet to the HR team and finance team for further review and payroll processing all the while giving employees the visibility of their timesheet approval process. Modern employee timesheet apps don’t demand employees to. When following a formal review process, it’s typical to review only Ready timesheets. Once a manager approves a timesheet, the status changes to Locked, and the timesheet owner can no longer edit it. Managers may unlock timesheets if additional edits are needed. Once changes are made, the timesheet owner can resubmit the timesheet. The chart above shows how the timesheet approval process works for both team members and timesheet approvers Forcing team members to review and submit their own hours. Once a pay period ends, team members will receive a notification to review their timesheets.
Set up time and task progress approval. 7/11/2017; 4 minutes to read; In this article. When you decide that you want to use timesheets in your organization, you should also take a few minutes to do some thinking about how you want timesheet approval to work. Easy Review. With the sleek grid interface, managers can tell at-a-glance which employee timesheets need review and approval. And in just seconds, managers can pick out trouble timesheets and send one-click email reminders.Each submitted timesheet is concisely organized and follows compliance guidelines, making it easier than ever for managers to review employee time and gauge project progress! The 'Timesheets Auto-Approval Rules' allows you to set rules for your employee's timesheet to be auto approved. On clock out, if a time-sheet follows the rules you set - it will be automatically approved. Setting up the timesheet auto approval process is based on the following: Timesheet Length (Shift not necessary) How to fix your timesheet approval process using automated timesheets Let’s consider another example to understand the inefficiency of employee timesheet management . A 2015 survey suggests that manual timesheet management and errors cost American employers over 50 million work hours, or about 7.4 billion dollars a day in lost productivity.