The Appeal

Appeal definition: If you appeal to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
The appeal. Define appeal. appeal synonyms, appeal pronunciation, appeal translation, English dictionary definition of appeal. n. 1. An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication. 2. A resort to a higher authority or greater power, as for sanction, corroboration, or a... Synonyms for appeal at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for appeal. The Appeal and Oregon Justice Resource Center announce “Left Behind,” firsthand accounts of growing-up in prison from individuals sentenced as children. Bobbin Singh Mar 03, 2020. In A Florida Courtroom, People Charged With Probation Violations Face Humiliation From Judge. appeal definition: 1. a request to the public for money, information, or help: 2. a request made to a court of law or…. Learn more.
Appeal definition is - a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court. How to use appeal in a sentence. appeal to 1. To ask for something, usually in an urgent or pleading manner Appeal to your congressmen if you really want lower taxes. 2. To spark one's interest or appreciation. Tall, dark-haired guys always appeal to me. That style of architecture just doesn't appeal to me. 3. To resonate with one's specific interests or feelings. The beauty of her. APPEAL FOR THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD to Catholics and all people of good will. Sign the appeal. Veritas liberabit vos. Jn 8:32. In this time of great crisis, we Pastors of the Catholic Church, by virtue of our mandate, consider it our sacred duty to make an Appeal to our Brothers in the Episcopate, to the Clergy, to Religious, to the holy People. Appeal definition, an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.; entreaty; petition; plea. See more.
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Bill Cosby is allowed to appeal two key issues in his 2018 conviction on sexual assault charges. Cosby, the 82-year-old actor and comedian, is less. When considering cases on appeal, appellate courts generally affirm, reverse, or vacate the decision of a lower court. Some courts maintain a dual function, where they consider both appeals as well as matters of "first instance". For example, the Supreme Court of the United States primarily hears cases on appeal but retains original jurisdiction over a limited range of cases. 30 synonyms of appeal from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 21 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for appeal. Appeal: an earnest request. Sample Appeal Letter (Denied a Raise) Below is a sample appeal letter that follows the format above. It is for an employee who has been denied a raise. Use this sample to help you write your appeal letter. Be sure to revise the sample to fit your particular situation.
appeal (countable and uncountable, plural appeals) An application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for re-examination or review. The mode of proceeding by which such removal is effected. The right of appeal. appeal: Timely resort by an unsuccessful party in a lawsuit or administrative proceeding to an appropriate superior court empowered to review a final decision on the ground that it was based upon an erroneous application of law. A person who initiates an appeal—the appellant, sometimes called the plaintiff in error, must file a notice of. call) to appeal for sth [+calm, help, witnesses] lancer un appel à qch They appealed for help. Ils ont lancé un appel au secours. The police have appealed for witnesses. La police a lancé un appel à témoins. He appealed for calm. Il a lancé un appel au calme. He appealed for silence. Il a demandé le silence. to appeal to sb for sth demander qch à qn At The Appeal, we produce original journalism about criminal justice that engages the public and holds officials to account. We focus on the most significant drivers of mass incarceration, which occur at the state and local level. Nearly one in four Americans has a criminal record, and state-level facilities hold 87 percent of America’s incarcerated people.