Spy Apples

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Spy apples. Northern Spy apples are very juicy, crispy crunchy, tart and mildly sweet, with a rich flavor and thin, tender green and red skin. Best Uses. Great for pies and cider! Also preferred as a dessert apple after they have had time in storage to mellow out. More tart and firm than most popular varieties, so most people don’t like to eat them out. This Northern Spy apple pie recipe is an idyllic way to use up the glut of apples that finds its way into your kitchen come autumn. Brimming with a mountain of sweet apples and redolent of sugar and spice and everything nice, this homemade pie is likely to convince you to leave behind the motley mix of pie apples from your past. Northern Spy, red-striped skin with green color. Northern Spy is the number 1 baking apple. Northern Spy is the number 1 baking apple. You can also find Jerseymac, Quinte, Paulared, Golden Russett, Jonagold and a variety of others at farmers' markets and in Pick Your Own orchards. Northern Spy is a traditional American winter apple, particularly well-suited to colder climate zones. The apples are quite large and have a handsome red-flush over a yellow-green background. Rated by the 19th century pomologist Robert Hogg as "a valuable dessert apple".
Growing Northern Spy apples is a great choice for anyone who wants a classic variety that is winter hardy and provides fruit for the entire cold season. If you like a well-rounded apple having many uses, consider putting a Northern Spy tree in your yard. Learn more here. The Northern Spy, also called 'Spy' and 'King', is a cultivar of domesticated apple that originated in East Bloomfield, New York in about 1800. It is popular in upstate New York.. The Northern Spy was one of four apples honored by the United States Postal Service in a 2013 set of four 33¢ stamps commemorating historic strains, joined by Baldwin, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith. My grandparents grew Northern Spy apples on their farm in Coopers Plains, NY. I grew up enjoying my grandmother's "deep-dish apple pie" (a pie baked in a shallow rectangular Pyrex pan with only a top crust) made from those apples. Wonderful! 15 Oct 2010 Sue, United States. The Northern Spy was developed around present-day Bloomfield, NY, quite. I Spy Preschool. There are 2 black and white I spy worksheets (pictured above): Simple Count to 10 I Spy Apples; Count to 20 Apple I Spy Game; Use whichever is a better fit for your students. Each includes images of whole apples, bitten apples, apple core, sliced apples, apple seeds, apple slices, halved apples, apple bits, and an i spy.
Find the latest SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Northern Spy Apples. October 18, 2010 by Eric Samuelson 3 Comments. The state of Washington is known for it’s apples. But not every great apple comes from there. Us on the east side of the country are proud of our Northern Spy apple. This apple popular in Michigan, Ontario, and New York has been around since 1800, when it was first discovered. The Northern Spy is best known for desserts and pies. Enjoy those pies! Originates from: Rochester, New York, USA, United States; Developed by: Farmer Oliver Chapin; Known as a winter apple variety, picked in late October or early November ; A GREAT replacement for Northern Spy is Fortune Apples (spy is a parent) The Spy Gold provides the sweet tasting flavor of a Golden Delicious and the juicy consistency of a Northern Spy. It is a good apple for pies, baking and snacking. This apple may also be referred to as a Spygold, Spigold, or Spi Gold. Spy Gold Apple Reviews.
Prairie Spy is a beautiful red apple with cream-colored streaks running across the skin of this large fruit. Originally developed in Minnesota to be the commercial apple variety that could sustain apple orchards in cold climates. Prairie Spy was meant to be the cultivar that growers could produce in regions generally The Northern Spy Apple is a variety of apple native to the northern East Coast of the United States and parts of Michigan and Ontario and is very popular in upstate New York. The Northern Spy Apple is a large greenish-yellow apple with red striping but will become more red with more ripening. Northern Spy apples are available in the fall season. Current Facts The Northern Spy is a naturally vigorous variety which will produce a relatively large tree, however while it is a hardy grower, it can take longer than most apple varieties to come into bearing. Northern Spy (October to May) Distinguished by bright red stripes and an elongated shape. Large, crisp and firm. Excellent for pies and baked apples. Red Delicious (October to July) Large size, firm, sweet and juicy. Dark red colour and elongated shape. Excellent in salads but not recommended for cooking. Red Prince (February to June)