Shark Tracker App Cape Cod

Shark season is underway in Cape Cod, Mass. Three great white sharks were tagged Wednesday after being seen circling a whale carcass in nearby waters. The moment marks the official start of shark.
Shark tracker app cape cod. An 8-foot adult male blue shark named “Buzz” traveled the furthest south of all the tagged sharks — over 3,000 miles in one trip from Cape Cod, past the Caribbean to South America. “This is one the first times that you can actually visualize how far these sharks are traveling,” Malarky said. New App Helps Public Track, Report Sharks Off Cape Cod By Bill Shields July 1, 2016 at 6:39 pm Filed Under: Bill Shields , Cape Cod , Chatham , Great White Sharks Atlantic White Shark Conservancy's supports scientific research, improves public safety, and educates the community to inspire conservation of Atlantic White Sharks. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity App provides information on White Shark sightings, detections, movements, and research to raise awareness and help people and White Sharks co-exist peacefully. OCEARCH is a data-centric organization built to help scientists collect previously unattainable data in the ocean. Our mission is to accelerate the ocean’s return to abundance through fearless innovations in scientific research, education, outreach and policy.
The new OCEARCH Shark Tracker lets you observe the migrations of sharks and other marine animals that have been tagged with state of the art satellite tracking technology. OCEARCH is on a mission to ensure abundant oceans for future generations and you’re invited to join us through our OCEARCH Sha… How to be shark smart at Cape Cod Great white sharks have returned to the waters of the popular vacation destination. Here's what it means for beachgoers. A shark warning app, Sharktivity, developed by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, and a regional working group made up of Cape Cod towns and the Cape Cod National Seashore, has been downloaded more than 100,000 times. “Of course,” he says, “that provides a partially false sense of security. This list may not provide every shark sighting, just those on the app, but it provides a sound foundation of the volume of shark activity at Cape Cod this summer. Flags across beaches at Cape Cod.
He said to expect even more great whites in coming years if seals take up year-round residence here, like they have in Cape Cod. Chris Fischer, founder of the Ocearch shark tracker, also expects. Shark with its own Twitter account disappeared for over a year 14ft predator tracked by satellite 200 miles off Virginia coast A great white shark swims off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. James is a 14-foot white shark, who since being tagged in 2014 has returned to Cape Cod each year as one of the most consistent visitors of all the tagged animals. “He’s kind of like old reliable. We go to Cape Cod every summer (we’ve been doing so for the past 11 years, do check out Wellfleet!), and sharks are always a concern, especially for my aunt. This app is great for staying on top of all the sharktivity (hehe) happening in the area, and even helps us time when we go to the beach so that we can actually swim when we get there!
Admittedly, Wigren said shark research on Cape Cod is still in its infancy. The app is one way for the public to have a direct, tangible connection to that research which is being done with the goal of educating the public about shark behavior. Meet Sharktivity - Atlantic White Shark Sighting and Resource App. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity App was developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, the Cape Cod National Seashore, and officials from Cape Cod and South Shore towns to raise awareness of the presence of white sharks off our coast.. Cape Cod has become one the world's epicenters of great white shark activity over the past decade. These toothy ocean predators are here to hunt and eat seals, the numbers of which have exploded. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity Map and App were developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, the Cape Cod National Seashore, and officials from Cape Cod and South Shore Towns. These tools provide information on White Shark sightings, detection, movements, and research to raise awareness and.