Remove Apps From Apple Watch

Unlock your Apple Watch. Press the Digital Crown—which is the dial on the right side of the Apple Watch's housing—then enter your passcode and press the Digital Crown again. This should bring up a group of your current apps' icons. If doing this opens an app instead of the app group, press the Digital Crown one more time.
Remove apps from apple watch. Grid view: On the Home screen, touch and hold the app icon until you see an X on the icon, then tap the X to remove the app from your Apple Watch.It remains on your paired iPhone, unless you delete it there, too. List view: Swipe the app left, then tap to remove it from your Apple Watch. It remains on your paired iPhone, unless you delete it there, too. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. Go to the My Watch tab and tap your watch at the top of the screen. Tap the info button next to the watch that you want to unpair. Tap Unpair Apple Watch. For GPS + Cellular models, choose to keep or remove your cellular plan. If you want to pair your Apple Watch and iPhone again, keep your plan. For apps where the option is offered, tap on the "X" next to the icon to remove the app from the screen. Note that removing a built-in app from your Home screen also removes any related user data and configuration files, which can affect related system functions or information on your Apple Watch. Apps can be restored by adding them back via. If you remove the iBooks, Maps, Music, or Podcast apps, they won’t be available to use with CarPlay. If you try to remove the Watch app from an iPhone that’s paired with an Apple Watch, an alert asks you to unpair your Apple Watch before you can remove the app.
This shows you the summary of the available storage on your Apple Watch along with the list of Apps and their corresponding storage on your device. Remove Music from Apple Watch to free storage. The Apple Watch is a handy companion to an iPhone, letting users control music playback on their primary device. When you set up your Apple Watch, you get the choice to install all your apps now or later.If you choose Install All, the watch app counterparts for the apps on your iPhone will install. After setup, you can install apps directly on your Apple Watch with the built-in App Store in watchOS 6. Make sure the My Watch screen is active. If not, tap the “My Watch” icon at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through the list of apps on the My Watch screen until you find the app you want to remove from your watch and tap it. When an app is on your watch, the “Show App on Apple Watch” slider button is green and sits on the right. While you can remove third-party apps from the Watch app on your iPhone, you can't do that with built-in apps from Apple. You've got to do that on the watch itself. Open the app grid by pressing.
How to remove apps directly from your Apple Watch. On the Apple Watch's watch face, press the Digital Crown once to get to your app list. Note: If your app list is in List View, press firmly on the display to change it back to Grid View — you can't delete apps in List View. The Apple Watch is a pretty amazing device, made even more powerful by the wide variety of apps that it supports, but there’s no doubt that navigating through these can get cumbersome on the. How to Remove Apple Watch Apps from Your Apple Watch. Step #1. Click the Digital Crown to go to the Apple Watch Home screen, if you are not already there. Step #2. Next up, you will need to press and hold on the app icon which you want to delete. Step #3. This wikiHow teaches you how to remove an app from your Apple Watch. You can delete an app from the Apple Watch itself, or you can delete the app from your iPhone which removes the app from both the iPhone and the Apple Watch. You can also hide an app from your watch using the Watch app on your iPhone. Not all apps can be deleted.
How to add, rearrange, and remove apps from your Apple Watch's Dock. While you can't switch between Recents and Favorites or completely rearrange your Dock directly on your Apple Watch, you can remove apps from your Dock — and, if you have fewer than 10 Favorites, be prompted to add the most recent app you viewed. If you have an Apple Watch paired with your iPhone, removing an app from your iPhone Home screen also removes that app from your Apple Watch Home screen. Remove built-in Apple apps from the Home screen on your iOS device with iOS 10 - Apple Support. Cheers, GB If you wish to give apple feedback about allowing more apps to be removed or hidden from the Apple watch you can do so here: Feedback - Apple Watch - Apple. FYI, the Mail App on an iPhone can indeed be removed. When removed from the iPhone it will be removed from the watch. Delete built-in Apple apps on your iOS 11 device or Apple Watch - Apple. On your iPhone. 1) Open the companion Watch app on your paired iPhone. 2) Tap the My Watch tab at the bottom. 3) Tap the entry labeled Dock. 4) Make sure that Favorites is selected. 5) Tap Edit in the upper-right corner. 6) To remove any app from the section headlined Favorites, simply tao the red “-” sign next to an app you’d like to remove from the list.