Rabbit Approved Vegetables

Vegetables that are higher in calcium should be used sparingly (once or twice a week). For older buns, or those with bladder or kidney problems, avoid these, unless otherwise directed by your rabbit vet. Collard greens; Kale High in either oxalates or goitrogens, which can cause or exacerbate bladder sludging, and other calcium/kidney problems
Rabbit approved vegetables. The four-year-old female angora rabbit, nicknamed 'Big Bear', is seen in trending footage dressed in different outfits while chomping on fruit and vegetables. It has nearly one million followers. Vegetables. A varied assortment of vegetables should be a part of your rabbit’s daily diet. When choosing vegetables look for something fresh and free of pesticides. Always wash your vegetables thoroughly before feeding them to your rabbit. Feed new vegetables in small quantities until you can judge if your rabbit reacts well to them. Just a note, it’s important that the majority, roughly 80 percent, of your rabbit’s diet is Timothy Hay, however, it’s healthy for them to have fruit and vegetables on the side as well. While some foods may be completely OK for your pet rabbit to eat , the amount that you are giving them may not be. Vegetables: A rabbit’s favorite foods. Rabbits count vegetables and herbs among their favorite foods. Most greens found in a supermarket are safe for rabbits, with a few limitations and exceptions. (See the list of foods to avoid below.) No more than two cups daily of fresh vegetables should be given to adult rabbits.
The House Rabbit Society places these peppers on their approved list of rabbit vegetables. This ensures that you can supply them confidently. Just do so in moderation. Also, remember that portion size is critical. A rabbit that weighs 4 lbs. should only eat two tablespoons of fresh food a day. That should include a variety of fruit and veg, not. When we first adopted Bunny, he was a little over a year old and on a high pellet, hay, and low vegetable diet. After a bunch of research and several discussions, we decided to slowly introduce more vegetables and ultimately get rid of pellets. After all, they are processed and no rabbit would naturally have… If your rabbit’s diet consists of mostly vegetables, herbs, and hay, then you don’t have to worry about high calcium and toxins as much. Most vegetables and herbs consist of 60-80% water, so any excess calcium will simply be flushed out. If the diet is mostly dry food and a bit of vegetables added in, then your 25/75 rule sounds about right. There are vegetables that rabbits should eat on a daily basis, and others that it should only eat once or twice a week at most.Possible vegetables for daily consumption include:. Hay: This plant is essential in a rabbit's diet. It helps it to keep an active intestinal transit, which is crucial in the nature of lagomorphs. Rabbits should always have fresh, high-quality hay made available to.
To feed a wild rabbit in your yard, choose a wooded or shrubby area where a rabbit will feel safe and scatter plenty of grass and hay there. You can supplement the grass and hay with a small amount of pelleted rabbit food from a pet store, but avoid feeding wild rabbits too much, since pellets are very nutritionally dense. Avoid foods in the onion family such as leeks, chives and onions because eating these foods could cause blood abnormalities. A good amount of “other” vegetables (non leafy greens) to feed your rabbit would be about 1 tablespoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day in one meal or divided into two or more. Fruits can also be fed in small amounts. Timothy hay should be available 24 hours a day. This should make up the majority of your rabbit’s diet. High-quality hay is important and your rabbit will know the difference. Fresh Foods. Romaine lettuce, kale, herbs, and rabbit approved vegetables should be given daily in rotation. Also, certain fruits can be offered in small quantities as. An approved rabbit food list can help make meal planning easier. Rabbits should be fed a mix of hay, fresh vegetables and commercial pellets. “Hay and grass should make up much of your rabbit’s diet, as they contain indigestible fiber that’s vital for your rabbit’s gastro-intestinal health,” says Ian Nicholson, a small animal surgery.
Gardeners wishing to use Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent on vegetables have the government's approval to do so, but there are other steps the consumer can take to assure complete safety. Any pesticide must be used according to directions. No matter how safe the product appears, avoid the temptation to use more than the recommended amount. You must only remember that the perfect rabbit diet should contain vegetables only in moderation and the majority of food should be pellets and timothy hay. Beet greens. Like with most vegetables beet greens can be give to the rabbit in moderation. This leafy green food contains oxalic acid which, in larger amounts, can cause kidney failure. Give your rabbit a daily serving of vegetables based on her body weight. The standard formula is a minimum of one cup of vegetables a day for each 4 lbs. of body weight. Most bunnies weigh around 5-8 lbs. [9] X Research source Determine the weight of your bunny and then use the formula to determine the amount of veggies you should be feeding. Appropriate portions and type of vegetables for rabbits is a topic that can cause confusion for rabbit owners. About 15-20% of the diet should be vegetables (fruits will be discussed under TREATS ). Generally speaking, suitable greens for every day feeding is lettuce (any kind EXCEPT iceberg - no nutrients) and herbs, which includes parsley.