Onx Hunt App Legend

The onX Offroad App turns your phone into an outdoor handheld GPS navigator by using the GPS built into your phone or tablet to display your location on the satellite and topo map. Cellular coverage is NOT needed, as map-saving technology allows you to save the maps, trails and recreation points of interest information for offline navigation.
Onx hunt app legend. iHunter is the all in one hunting app for hunters in BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, YT, WA, OR, ID, MT, CO and PA. Landowner maps for AB and SK and Public Lands Subscriptions for BC, AB, SK, NB, and ON are available for a fee. Hunt maps offer full GPS functionality giving hunters the ability to always know their location relative to property boundaries, roads, hunting units, and more! onX Hunt maps are even endorsed by numerous state and federal agencies as the most reliable source for public and private land ownership on the market. Know where you stand, with onX Hunt. Download onX Hunt: Hunting Maps, Offline GPS Nav & Weather PREMIUM APK by Android Developer For Free (Android). onX Hunt: Hunting Maps, Offline GPS Nav & Weather PREMIUM apk - Download APK Apps and Games for Android Devices. Enjoy Android Apps For Free ! onX Hunt turns on these three Layers by default the first time you launch the onX Hunt App. Follow this link to learn how to turn on, turn off and adjust Map Layers. Red lines - private land borders. Follow this link to learn about the Private Lands Layer. Color shaded areas - government lands. Follow this link to learn about the Government.
OnX mostly utilizes free and public info. If a person wanted to spend the time, they could make a free ArcGIS online account, add in many of the same layers, then get the ArcGIS app on their cell phone. The function that you would be missing with ArcMAP I believe would be the ability to download a map and go offline. Own the Outdoors with BaseMap, the all-in-one online and offline gps mapping app for hunting, fishing, hiking & more. #1 Offroad GPS Mapping App, with more than 985 Million acres of public land and 350,000+ miles of roads and trails including open dates and width restrictions, onX Offroad is a must-have app for any motorized enthusiast. Know before you go with the most trusted and accurate GPS satellite / topo trail mapping app. Turn your phone into the best off-road mapping tool for finding open dirt roads. If you hunt the same ranch and never plan to change, I would suggest an alternative called Avenza maps. You can upload your own geotiff or geopdf, use it offline, and add lots of place markers to mark scrapes, bedding, blood trail, etc. I will be purchasing OnX whenever I go for my first big game hunt out West.
onX Hunt turns on these three Layers by default the first time you launch the onX Hunt App. Follow this link to learn how to turn on, turn off and adjust Map Layers. Red lines - private land borders. Follow this link to learn about the Private Lands Layer. Color shaded areas - government lands. Follow this link to learn about the Government. Dirt bike trails, 50" (ATV) trails, high clearance 4x4 trails and full width roads. onX Offroad turns on all trail types by default the first time you launch the onX Offroad App. Follow this link to learn how to customize your map to show the trails you need using the Rides Menu. Tap any trail to view the trail's open dates and additional info. onX Hunt: #1 GPS Hunting Map on the App Store. Posted: (2 days ago) onX Hunt has been featured in Field and Stream, Outdoor Life and American Hunter as the best hunting app, hiking app, and GPS app for any outdoorsman or hunter. Used by millions of US hunters. Know where you stand with the most trusted and accurate map data. You can use the onX Hunt Web Map and the onX Offroad Web Map to transfer Markups (Waypoints, Lines, Shapes and Tracks) from one application to the other. This will transfer the position, size and name of the Markup, but not the Markup's icon, color, line style, line weight, notes or photos.
The onX Hunt App will open to the location of the shared Markup and ask if you want to add it to your map and content: 3. Tap the red "Yes, add it" button to add the Markup to your map and My Content Menu. NOTE: The shared Markup will be listed under the date it was originally created, not the date you received it. Included BaseCamp™ software lets you interface your computer with your handheld device to plan your hunt, transfer waypoints, and even keep a track log so you can return to the best hunting spots or share the adventure online. Easy-to-use mapping solution for hunters and outdoorsmen – plug-in microSD card or download the mapping to a blank. The onX Hunt App has also been featured in Outdoor Life (hiking, biking, etc.) and American Hunter as a must-have hunting app for any hunter or outdoor enthusiast.★★★ Know where you stand with the most trusted and accurate GPS satellite /topo maps: Use onX Hunt as a fully-functioning GPS. Know where you stand with onX Hunt, the most accurate hunting GPS tech on the market with land ownership maps that work offline. Free Trial. Join today