Narcotics Anonymous Meeting App

Submit a change to a meeting on the meetings list If you would like a printable PDF booklet of all the meetings in Ireland, please click here . You can also choose to search by day, or you can use the map based search. We have an app available for iPhones and iPads We also have an app available for Android tablets and phones.
Narcotics anonymous meeting app. An open meeting in Narcotics Anonymous is one method our groups use to achieve their primary purpose of carrying the message to the addict who still suffers. Some groups also have open meetings as a way of allowing non-addict friends and relatives of NA members to celebrate recovery anniversaries with them. Narcotics Anonymous Online/Vitrual meetings in all areas. Skip to content. Narcotics Anonymous South Africa. Make sure you have downloaded the Desktop or Mobile app The desktop apps for both Mac and Windows can be downloaded. Click the link below for the meeting you would like to join and you will automatically be redirected to the app. NA Meeting Search is an application developed to help you locate NA Meetings anywhere around the world. Also bundled with this app are the daily Just For Today meditations. Websites and helplines for your area are also listed. Version 4.0 is a major upgrade that includes the following changes: - New menu interface, allowing for more user-friendly functionality - New button leading to surveys. Due to changes in policy to various facilities, some meetings are temporarily closed. Click link below to view the ones we currently are aware of. If you can’t go to a meeting in person, there are many virtual meetings you can attend. Covid-19 InfoTemporary ClosuresVirtual Meetings Get the NA New England App If you want… Read more
There is a smartphone app too: Go to Android's Play Store or Apple's Apps & search for gotomeeting , download and install; When it opens type ukna or 437-754-909 into the Meeting ID box, (skip email) enter your name, press Save, & you're in. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solution. Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) for your visit will be answered by American Addiction Centers (AAC). We are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. The Narcotics Anonymous application is designed to help addicts easily find nearby meetings. There is no fee or any money being accepted by this application/developer. Meaning you just click to join an online meeting from your computer. If you are joining via your phone – there is an app to download. There are virtual NA online meetings available everyday of the week. These NA meetings are open to all members of Narcotics Anonymous as well as any newcomer. You can start your own virtual NA meeting and allow.
download our official na meeting map Android app below: na_pilipinas_v1.1.apk: File Size: 3222 kb: File Type: apk:. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings in the Philippines. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started. Welcome! Home Meetings Events What is NA? Downloads Contact Us Useful links. All meetings are weekly. No appointment needed; Just turn up. "Open to all" meetings welcome everyone. Meetings NOT marked "Open to all" are for addicts only & those who suspect they have a problem. "Open to all" on request meetings allow anyone to turn up early & ask if it's okay to sit in. "Chit" meetings can provide proof that members have attended the entire meeting. Meeting ID: 230938119 Phone Call in number: 1(346)248-7799 (You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID) List of temporarily cancelled meetings. Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee P.O. Box 3243, Fargo, ND 58108-3243 Area Information Hotline (877) 234-9330 Upper Midwest Region Website: UMRNA.ORG. Meeting updates contact Narcotics Anonymous. Get the Android app for NA Meetings in New Jersey;. Moved, No longer meets) Meeting ? Click here to update the Statewide Meeting Directory The meeting changes you submit from this website will go into the next printing of the NJ Statewide Meeting Directory as well as update the recordings on the Helpline.
All of the efforts of Narcotics Anonymous are inspired by the primary purpose of our groups. Upon this common ground we stand committed. Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life. LITERATURE & OTHER Products ; ABOUT US ; Contribute. There is a smartphone app too: Go to Android's Play Store or Apple's Apps & search for gotomeeting , download and install; When it opens type ukna or 437-754-909 into the Meeting ID box, (skip email) enter your name, press Save, & you're in. The meeting times are based on local device time. Looking for speaker jams or other special activities? Click on the Format tab and scroll down and select “ Special Event “ ***** IMPORTANT ***** Meetings: The Carolina Region of Narcotics Anonymous has created an app that features: a full, up-to-date meetings list, a map of meeting locations and driving directions to each meeting, clean time calculator, upcoming Events in the Carolina Region, today's Just For Today, and Contact details (telephone, email and websites) for each of the areas in the.