Narcotics Anonymous Approved Literature

Narcotics Anonymous: Approved Literature | NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS | ISBN: 9780912075006 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.
Narcotics anonymous approved literature. LITERATURE. The Literature subcommittee’s purpose is t o maintain an adequate supply of Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship Approved Literature to meet the needs of the Local Area Groups, H&I, PI, or any individual. The Passaic County Area Service Subcommittee of Literature was created by the PCASC for the purpose of Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship-Approved Literature is a tool available to our NA. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Narcotics Anonymous: Approved Literature at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Narcotics Anonymous: White Booklet . One of NA's earliest publications became the heart of N.A. meetings and the basis for all subsequent N.A. literature. This booklet contains the twelve steps or principles to recovery, the twelve traditions of NA, and an inspiring selection of personal stories written by men and women who are recovering from. Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Resources: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous by Oliver Clark - this visual and auditory history of AA covers the period 1932-1971.
Buy Narcotics Anonymous: Approved Literature 1st ed by Unknown (ISBN: 9780912075006) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Narcotics Anonymous. - The Basic Text - Sixth Edition. The Basic Text is just that, the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. It includes and expands upon the readings in "The Little White Booklet," and is the cornerstone of the Narcotics Anonymous program. Narcotics Anonymous Literature Available On-Line. Group Readings (Readings are in PDF format. Adobe Reader required) Who Is an Addict? What Is the NA Program? Why Are We Here? How It Works. The Twelve Traditions of NA. Just for Today: The idea for this piece of literature came from the Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship itself. Beginning in the early 1980s, we began receiving Twelve Step guides and step
Narcotics Anonymous: White Booklet One of NA's earliest publications became the heart of N.A. meetings and the basis for all subsequent N.A. literature. This booklet contains the twelve steps or principles to recovery, the twelve traditions of NA, and an inspiring selection of personal stories written by men and women who are recovering from an. Narcotics Anonymous was formed in July 1953, with the first meeting held in Southern California. The Fellowship grew erratically but quickly spread to various parts of the United States. From the beginning, the need was evident for a book on recovery to help strengthen the Fellowship. The white book, Narcotics Anonymous, was published in 1962. The idea for this piece of literature came from the Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship itself. Beginning in the early 1980s, we began receiving Twelve Step guides and step worksheets along with requests that we develop a standard set of guides for the NA Fellowship to use in working Recovery Literature in English (US) We offer all available Information Pamphlets and NA booklets here, in all currently available languages, in order to serve our members and potential members. Please note that .pdf files of NA books are not available online.
The literature we make available on this page is Home Group Approved Literature of the Alive & Free Home Group of Narcotics Anonymous. Again, for our Group purpose, the Alive & Free Nomads Home Group does not recognize the following versions of the Basic Text as valid NA literature: First Edition; Third Edition NA's newest Fellowship-approved book contains tools, text, and questions meant to facilitate discussion and inspire action in our groups, in workshops, and in sponsorship. This book is a collection of experience and ideas on how to work through issues together, using the principles embodied in the Traditions. This is a translation of NA Fellowship-approved literature.. Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous. Welcome to your first NA meeting. NA offers addicts a way to live drug‑free. If you are not sure you’re an addict, don’t worry about it; just keep coming to our meetings. You will have all the time you need to make up your own mind. What is the Narcotics Anonymous Programme? NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a programme of complete abstinence from all drugs.