Mod Applications Discord

Discord Bots - Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots
Mod applications discord. Yes, I've been a Mod for many discord channels in the past. In many games I've been a mod for big end game guides, and a few twitch streamers. I know it it is a mod's job to make sure that everything is going smoothly in the discord server, making sure there are no rules being broken, and just being there when a player/guildie need helps with. Why Should We Pick You Over Other Applications?-This is almost as important as the one before. You have to explain to the owner(s) why you would be the best choice out there for mod. Don't say "because I want to have fun and I can have soooooo much fun with this rank!", say "Because I will keep trying, I will never abuse" and things like that. Unfortunately mod applications have been closed for now as we got ourselves a full team. We will however keep your application at hand's reach should the need rise again. Thank you for your interest in being a greenie and see you soon on the Discord Discord Mod Application. Close. 2. Posted by. The Real Lone Hawk. 3 years ago. Moderator of r/HawkSquad Archived. Discord Mod Application. tell me why you should be a mod. tell me your name in discord. must be level 20. 26 comments. share. save hide report. 63% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be.
To apply, click here and create a new thread and use the below format for posting an application to become a Damnlag Discord Moderator. Activity on the discord server and being helpful to others is paramount. Must have been a member for 1 month or longer on the forum and discord server. Discord Name: Berlitz. A bit about yourself: Active player of Duel Links as well as Discord user. I'm in my later 20's and guiltily have discord up on my computer at work everyday. Also used to play competitive Mermails and enjoy trading deck ideas with others. Why would you make a good mod: I'm fair. Communication studies degree. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Moderation Discord bots.. Reaction roles, Music, Logging, Starboard, Purge, Self roles +Mod tools Music Moderation View Invite. 8,648 ONLINE 195,874 Servers MC-AT MC-AT Bot Türkçe - Türk (Auto Role - Sayaç) Sunucu Koruma Sistemleri // MC-AT, Support Custom Languages Write: !lang. [Mod] Mod applications for Reddit, Discord, and TeenagersGaming are now open! Mod. Hi everyone! It's time. We are opening up moderation applications for positions on all three branches for our semi-annual mod apps.. We’re searching for active members of our community who are in good standing with the current moderator teams. If you have the.
Integrate your service with Discord — whether it's a bot or a game or whatever your wildest imagination can come up with. What is Discord? The Discord application for personal computers is specifically designed for use while gaming, as it includes features such as free voice chat servers for users and has a dedicated server.Is used to voice chat while playing games etc. What is Voice Changer Apps? Are They Safe to Install? Basically, voice changer is a software or Android App that turn your voice into a robot. Applications Inside Discord Application Bot allows convenient applications right in your server for both the applicants and the administrators. Fully Customisable Application Bot allows server administrators to set an unlimited number of questions and configue it in any way they like. 24/7 Uptime. Applications! Application Bot lets you have application forms in your server. Unlimited questions, 24/7 uptime. Accept/Reject. Accept. Bots For Discord uses cookies to improve your experience. Click here to learn more. Bots For Discord.
Hey everyone!Discord is a great way to chat it up with other Dungeon Hunter Champions enthusiasts and with the dev team. If you aren't on Discord yet, feel free to join as it's the best place to get in contact with the team! As the server is growing in population, we'll be looking for dedicated Moderators to help us keep everything under control! If you're interested in being a Mod, please. A new way to chat with your communities and friends. Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text, whether you’re part of a school club, a nightly gaming group, a worldwide art community, or just a handful of friends that want to hang out. DISCORD STAFF APPLICATION TEMPLATE Please answer all questions 1. Your age? 2. What languages can you speak? 3. Your Timezone? 4. Are you mature in your response to questions? 5. If you saw someone needing help how would you help them? 6. If you… About us. Tapple is a 1.8 server owned by TapL and Erferno that currently features Events and Practice PvP. Our goal is to provide the community a way to experience new and fun concepts like no other.