Mint Apple Jelly

Wash mint and place with apples in a large saucepan with water to cover. Simmer until tender, about 40 mins. Place in jelly bag and leave to strain into basin overnight. Add vinegar to liquid and measure. Return to clean pan and add 500g Chelsea White Sugar for every 1/2 litre of liquid.
Mint apple jelly. Good old-fashioned mint jelly is easy to make and especially useful if you have the herb growing rampant in the garden. Try using different mint varieties such as peppermint, spearmint or apple mint. You don't need to add food colouring but it adds to the effect. It's perfect with crumbed cutlets or a lamb roast. Herbs are easy to grow, even if you only have room for a few pots on a windowsill. Place apple juice, sugar, vinegar and mint in a saucepan over high heat. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve sugar, then cook for a further 25 minutes or until mixture reaches 105°C on a. Mint and Apple Jelly is a community recipe submitted by Coby and has not been tested by so we are not able to answer questions regarding this recipe. Chop unpeeled apples, do not discard seeds. Combine apples, seeds, water, juice and mint in a large saucepan, bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer for about 40 minutes or until apples. Mint jelly is a classic accompaniment to lamb and is particularly well suited to the simple flavors of Roasted Leg of Lamb. Save Pin Print. More. Facebook Tweet. Email. Send Text Message. Gallery. Recipe Summary. Yield: Makes about 2 cups.
How to Make Apple-Mint Jelly with Fresh Mint. Ingredients: 2 cups roughly chopped mint leaves 3 1/4 cups apple juice 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1/3 cup pectin 3 1/2 cups sugar Green food coloring (optional) 5 half-pint canning jars, new lids, and rings Canning pot and kit (buy it here) Prepare your canning pot and jars This Quick Apple @ Mint Jelly@is perfect to go with your lamb roast dinner.As an alternative why not try Apple @ Rosemary Jelly - just replace the mint with 2 level tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary. Or Cider @@Herb Jelly - replace the apple juice with 600ml strong dry cider, and replace the mint with 2 level tbsp chopped thyme. Mint Apple Jelly. Published: Nov 1, 2008 · Modified: Jun 20, 2020 by Andrea · This post may contain affiliate links · This blog generates income via ads · 5 Comments · Jump to Recipe Print Recipe. The mint bush continues to thrive, even with some killing frosts in the past two weeks, which just amazes me. Supposedly the plants grow best in. Found this recipe at recipegoldmine while looking for a mint jelly that does not require apples or apple juice. Made this up and my DH who so loves mint jelly with his lamb (I don't) loves this. This is an easy recipe, and I will never have to run to the Market to buy Mint Jelly again when we have lamb. Yipee!!!
Mint Apple Jelly (Adapted from the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving) 1 cup firmly-packed mint leaves; 1 cup boiling water; 4 cups high-quality apple juice; 2 Tablespoons bottled lemon juice; 3 cups sugar; Green food coloring (optional!) Yield: 3 or 4 half pint jars. 1.) Put mint leaves in a bowl and pour boiling water over the top. When the jelly has cooled down enough so that it’s still liquid but the mint has stopped rising, about 30 minutes, pour into sterilised jars. Advice on preparing, making and enjoying your Apple and Mint Jelly: Lamb is a wonderful food for spring, to us it signals the start of the spring season, along with hot cross buns and chocolate. Add 1/4 c mint leaves for every quart of juice. Stir and allow to cook 1 minute further. Remove leaves and ladle into hot sterile jars. Seal and process in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes or as according to canners instructions. For special occasions you can pour hot jelly into buttered molds. Bring to a rolling boil and test for set after 20 minutes. Testing every four minutes thereafter. If you have a jam thermometer – my jelly set at 103c (217f). When the jelly has set, remove from the heat and stir in the chopped mint. Leave the jelly for at least 10 minutes before giving it a final stir and ladling into hot sterilised jars.
Apple/Mint/Ginger/HotPepper Jelly. Used Apple juice drink instead of water wherever water is called for. Used a large bunch of spearmint, about ten cut off tops, total about the size of a batch of celery. One large ginger root, lightly peeled. Ten or so green serano chile peppers. Ran all that through a food processor until a coarse mush. Apple Mint Jelly. Reviews & ratings Average global rating: (5) Reviews in English (5) P. by Piccadilly. 4. It does not set into jelly form at all - 02 Oct 2012 N. by nicbat. 4. this was a big fat disaster for me. I found the recipe was too sweet by half, with hardly a hint of mint let alone apple. The colour was a murky sludge as though it had. Mint & Apple Jelly is fantastic with New Zealand lamb. Whether dolloped on the side of a roast or spread over the top of lamb pizza - it's a flavour everyone will love. More than just something to spread on a sandwich... Spread on chunky fresh or toasted bread and top with crumbled feta for an easy bruschetta starter This Gooseberry, Apple & Mint Jelly is a sweet and delicious, delicate jelly with a hint of freshness from mint. The apple flavor is enhanced by cider vinegar which makes it absolutely perfect with lamb. Make it now and save some for spring. These are my top three tips for making this jelly recipe.