Mcd Apple Pie Calories

There are 232 calories in 1 serving of McDonald's Apple Pie.: Calorie Breakdown: 53% fat, 44% carbs, 3% prot.
Mcd apple pie calories. CALORIC RATIO PYRAMID™ This graphic shows you what percentage of the calories in a food come from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and alcohol. If you are trying to achieve a specific distribution of calories, such as the 40/30/30 distribution of the Zone™ diet, or the more traditional 60/30/10 distribution, the Caloric Ratio Pyramid™ will show you how recipes, meal plans, or individual. Eat Light under 500 calories (Lunch / Dinner). Apple Pie. Another McDonald’s icon, our Apple Pies have been melting hearts and warming souls for a real long time. Take a bite and enjoy. McDELIVERY LOCATE US . Apple Pie. Double Choco Pie: 1 porsi (50g) 241 kkal: Apple Pie: 1 porsi: 250 kkal: Hash Brown: 1 porsi: 150 kkal: McNuggets (9) 1 porsi (146g) 396 kkal: Spicy Chicken Bites: 1 porsi: 270 kkal: French Fries (Large) 1 serving (28g) 510 kkal: Fish Fillet Burger: 1 burger: 390 kkal Our Baked Apple Pie is made with a tender, flaky lattice-top crust with a sprinkled sugar topping and 100% American-grown apples. Baked Apple Pie 240 Cal. 240 Cal.
Ah, McDonald’s apple pies — we liked you better when you were fried, but we also understand why that can’t be anymore. Ever since McDonald’s started transitioning their menu to target a nutritionally conscious crowd, we’ve had to settle for our dessert pies un-fried, which are technically turnovers, baked but still delicious. Introduced in the late 1960s, these small dessert treats. Crispy pie crust with tasty apple chunks. ** Serving Size = 84g ** % Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) are based on 1,995 calorie diet for “Adult” (19-65 years) & 1,468 calorie diet for “Child” (4-9 years) based on RNI Malaysia, 2017. Many of us have had McDonald’s Apple Pie at one point or another. They were a popular item in my family on road trips. I would never have gotten them on a typical Quarter Pounder run, but when we were driving across country, somehow the warm, handheld pie was the perfect snack to make us kids shut up in the back seat of the station wagon. There are 250 calories in a 1 pie serving of McDonald's Baked Apple Pie.: Calorie breakdown: 46% fat, 51% carbs, 3% protein.
Enjoy a crispy chocolate pie shell filled with a rich custard paired with a fruity strawberry. It's a dip-tastic time with these desserts! Take your dessert game to a whole new level with the Caramel Dip, Matcha Dip or the classic Choco Dip paired with our signature vanilla ice cream. Per pie (for 6): 114 cals 6g fat 19g carbs 11.5g fiber (so 7.5 net carbs) 5.6g protein. McD’s hot apple pie: 250 calories 13g fat 32g carbs 4g fiber (28 net carbs) 2g protein. McNik’s Hot Apple Pie Dough: 1.5 c Carbquik (Atkins Baking Mix works too and has way more protein!) About 5 tbsp water 1 egg, beaten. Filling: Eat Light under 500 calories (Breakfast). To download, go to Google Play or Apple App Store and search for “McDonald’s” or simply scan the QR code. Nutrition Calculator. Make informed decisions, even before leaving the house. Discover the nutrition profile for your favourite menu items with our easy-to-use Nutrition Calculator. Calories in McDonald’s Apple Pie. Ronald McDonald’s Apple Pie has 240 calories and only 95 milligrams of sodium. 41 percent of those calories are from fat, 57 percent are from carbs, and only 2 percent are from protein. The table below breaks down the complete nutritional content of this delicious menu item:
There are 249 calories in 2.7 ounces of Baked Apple Pie Mcdonald's. Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Baked Apple Pie Mcdonald's including 100 g. Nikmati menu pilihan terbaik dengan kualitas makanan yang terjamin bersama teman dan keluargamu hanya di McDonald's Indonesia Dapatkan Banana Choco Pie di 10 Juni 2020, Blu-nana Waffle Cone di 16 Juni 2020 dan Minions Potatoes di 15 Juli 2020. Pesan via McDelivery atau Drive Thru di restoran McDonald's Indonesia. Berlaku hingga 30 August 2020 Calories for fountain beverages are based on standard fill levels plus ice. If you use the self-service fountain inside the restaurant for your drink order, see the sign posted at the beverage fountain for beverage calories without ice. All nutrition information is based on average values for ingredients and is rounded in accordance with.