Library Appointment

Limited computer access is available by appointment at the following locations: . Main Library from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday to Saturday Library! at Cole & Ustick from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Family Hour appointments from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. on Thursdays Library! at Hillcrest from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday to Saturday. At each location, library staff will wear masks and gloves and practice.
Library appointment. Before scheduling an appointment, faculty and PIs must request return to on-campus research by completing the Phase 2 Research Reboot request form.Faculty and PIs must also complete the request form on behalf of their graduate student advisees who need access to library spaces for research, as noted in the Phase 2 Research Reboot request form FAQs. Appointment Procedure: Set up an appointment via phone, email, or Facebook message. Come to the library at the specified time and knock on the door. All computer/printer appointments last 45 minutes unless more time is required and available. To ensure social distancing, please come to the library at the time specified. The library will be open by appointment beginning July 21 and will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4. We will still be open for curbside service for those who are not yet comfortable being in the building. Masks will be required to enter and you have a choice of two types of appointments: a… Interested in Pickup by Appointment? Here’s what you need to know: The Pickup by Appointment service has expanded its available materials: Location: Memorial Library, 1-5 pm, Monday-Friday. Only users with a valid library card will be able to request materials for pickup. Materials will be pre-bagged before the patron’s arrival for pickup.
Here’s how it works: Make an appointment for one 30 minute slot of browsing time at Manheim Community Library’s off-site location: 26 East High St, Manheim/Wolf St entrance.; At this time, only 1 person will be admitted for the browsing appointment.We anticipate adding family appointments in the near future as we continue to expand services. Make a Library Appointment. We're thrilled to begin welcoming people back into the library! We have two types of appointments: Computer appointments Grab & Go appointments (browsing and fax/copier use) Appointments may be scheduled up to 7 days in advance. Be sure to check out the rules and FAQ to make your appointment as smooth as possible. Library by Appointment A limited number of 30 minute in- person appointments will be available each week. Please call 523-9650 or email to learn more and schedule your appointment. Library by Appointment Hours. Beginning Monday, July 6, the library will be available by appointment only. Library by Appointment hours are offered: Mondays 9 am-12 & 3 pm-6 pm. Tuesdays 9 am-12 pm & 1 pm-4 pm. Wednesday 9 am-12 pm & 3 pm-6 pm. We will continue Curbside Pickup appointments on Fridays from 10 am – 4 pm. Important Information
Description: Prior to booking an appointment, the status of the items on your library account must say "Ready. Pickup by [date]." If you need assistance with checking your account, or will be picking up for more than one family member, please call the library at 218-829-5574. The library is open by appointment Monday through Friday from 10:00 am-7:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am-6:00 pm. 10:00 am-11:00 am is reserved for at risk and 65+ patrons only. Please call 801-229-7175 if you need assistance. Library Access Appointment Times Only register for one appointment per day. 2020-06-23 11:30:00 2020-06-23 12:00:00 America/Denver Library Access Appointment Times Dickinson Area Public Library. Tuesday, June 23 11:30am - 12:00pm. Customer Service 801.943.4636 Limited Library Hours, by Appointment Only Monday–Thursday, 10 am–7 pm Friday & Saturday, 10 am–5 pm Sunday–closed Friday & Saturday, 10 am–5 pm Sunday–closed
Library Accessibility Services (LAS) is a service for students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS). We provide adaptive technology access and instruction, accessible study space, and other services designed to help with reading, writing, note-taking, and studying. Book an appointment or contact us: Phone: 519-824-4120. A safe way to use your library during these trying times, Library by Appointment is simple. Just give us a call at (940) 365-9162 to schedule your library visit. Computer/wifi use for workforce activities such as job searching, on line forms, applications, educational, testing or any business or educational need are available by appointment. Browse by appointment give you access to the library building and browse available titles. Reserve a time in advance via the appointment link, available here. If you would like to browse specific topics, please include that information in the comments section, and the library staff will pre-select available items, such as “the last three. OLEAN, NY — The Olean Public Library is no longer requiring appointments for use of its computers during this coronavirus pandemic.