Laser Pointer App For Android

A laser pointer simulator is just that, a laser pointer simulated in your Android phone or tablet. This is just a game, it's not a real laser pointer, no laser beam will come out of your Android mobile device. It simulates a laser pointer on the screen of your Android phone or tablet. The game is composed of several parts: The laser pointer.
Laser pointer app for android. SMART LASER POINTER. Laser pointers can be hard to see in certain light conditions. This why we added a virtual pointer into our app. EASY TO SWITCH. Most presenters have a small button for changing slides.. All Android Wear devices are supported. Android Wear Devices. Discover the top 100 best laser pointer apps for android free and paid. Top android apps for laser pointer in AppCrawlr! Introducing the X3 simulated laser pointer app is compatible with most Android devices from version 2.3 *** The laser pointer X3 is a game, not a real laser pointer, no beam of laser light on your device will only create a simulation on the screen of your phone or tablet *** Laser pointer Simulated App Android phones and tablets supported since version 2.3. *** The application of laser tero pun is a game, not a real laser pointer, only simulate the laser beam on the screen of your mobile phone *** We present the application of laser pointer simulated for Android phones and tablets.
The Laser Pointer Simulator is an App for to play jokes on your friends. This application includes three types of screen effects, The laser pointer effect, the electric screen simulator and the. Don't worry, have fun with the laser pointer simulator game and help the cat to catch all the fruits before the rabbit! FEATURES: - Free laser pointer for your pets to chase - Pointers to choose - New backgrounds Attention! This app is a simulation of laser pointer on the phone/tablet, this is not a real phone or tablet laser pointer. What is LED Laser Pointer for Android? LED Laser Pointer is a free led application developed by Android Appz. The latest v1.40, which is packed with led, laser, pointer, flashlight, flashes, rays, buttons, signal, widget, camera, light, flashing, modus, darkness features, is stable and working according to our tests. Download Laser Pointer for Cat FREE apk 1.0 for Android. This is a free simulator of laser pointer for the cat
Pointer capture is a feature available in Android 8.0 (API level 26) and later that provides such control by delivering all mouse events to a focused view in your app. Request pointer capture. A view in your app can request pointer capture only when the view hierarchy that contains it has focus. New version april 2016! x2 simulated laser pointer app Finally comes the new simulator X2 laser pointer supports over 8000 android devices from version 2.3 onwards *** The X2 simulated laser pointer is just a game, it's not a real laser pointer, no laser light beam from your device will only create a simulation on the screen of your phone or tablet *** This wonderful game is designed to enjoy. Este apuntador láser Android es quiza la mejor láser app. Sus varios láser de colores hacen que la diversión se multiplique por el número de colores disponibles. Los varios láser apuntador han sido diseñados por nuestro equipo de diseño desde cero. Esto nos ha permitido crear nuestro propio simulador láser verdadero. What is Laser Beam Pointer for Android? Laser Beam Pointer is a free laserpointer software developed by Android Appz. As any cool laserpointer, sounds, realistic, vibrations, shake, camera, force, galactic, simulations, beam, fantasy, laser, pointer, led, light application we suggest you to download v1.20 which is packed with latest features.
Laser level (leveling instrument) is an excellent measurement app equipped with: laser pointer, regular 3-mode spirit level / bubble level (libella) and clinometer (inclinometer) for measuring vertical angles and determining the exact horizontal plane. It's perfect, handy and precise bubble level tool for every handyman. Main modes of this laser level: - innovative laser leveling / laser. Introducing the X3 simulated laser pointer app is compatible with most Android devices from version. 2.3 *** The laser pointer X3 is a game, not a real laser pointer, no beam of laser light on your device will only create a simulation on the screen of your phone or tablet *** You get ready for adventure, you be able to collect four different laser pointers?. The GPS Fields Area Measure is one of the most incredible measuring apps for Android in our list. It uses existing technology in an effective way. As the name suggests, the app basically measures a distance or an area by using GPS data. All you need to do is run this app, select your starting and ending points, and click start measure. Ultimate Laser Pointer Prank is the silliest prank for people who believe android devices can project a laser beam outwards. They can't! It is just a still image of a laser beam on the device!! You can play a prank on anyone who thinks that android can support a laser pointer. Enjoy!