Kindle App For Pc Won T Open

The program won't open from the desktop shortcut. I have also tried to open the program directly under All Programs. I have also tried going directly into my C: drive and opening the program from there – after double-clicking to open (or selecting open from right-click menu) hour-glass pointer shows for few seconds, then disappears.
Kindle app for pc won t open. Question: Q: My kindle won't open on my Mac OSX 10.9.5. I updated my software and now I can't open my kindle on my Mac Air. The app bounces for a few seconds and then goes away. I have reinstalled it and it still won't work. Help please. More Less. MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5). Use the Kindle app to start reading from your PC or Mac. Supported Operating Systems: PC: Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, or 10.. Install or Update the Kindle App on Your Computer;. Amazon Warehouse Deep Discounts Open-Box Products: 1 stars { review.getRatingValue }} "Worst piece of crap app ever" "Worst piece of crap app ever" ram3001 January 16, 2015 / Version: Kindle for PC 1.10.8 build 40514 SOLVED: Kindle app won’t open on PC Solution 1: Scan for malware. Some brutal viruses and malware may corrupt program files belonging to the Kindle app thereby resulting in the Kindle Windows 10 not working problem. Therefore, you can utilize your antivirus program to run a full system scan.
Google has you create temporary passwords on a per-app basis, but what Amazon does with the Kindle app is rather unique: you actually append the code sent to the end of your password to log in to the Amazon system within the Kindle app itself. Weird. It’s best shown, so let’s have a look. First off, your nemesis, the Kindle app for Windows: Read on the go by learning how to use and resolve issues for the Kindle app. To read an EPUB ebook on Kindle or in your Kindle app, there are a two steps involved. 1. You need to convert the EPUB file into a Kindle file format. 2. You need to open the converted file in Kindle on your PC or Mac, or in the Kindle app on your phone or tablet. This post explains the process for PC, Mac, iPhone or iPad. No storage issues. Tried de-registering and re-registering. Payment on both Prime and Kindle Unlimited are fine and current. Even books I’ve previously paid for and downloaded won’t download again if deleted from the Kindle. They show on my content page fine and I can read them on the Kindle Cloud app on my laptop just fine.
I had a serious problem yesterday with my Kindle for PC app, and I had to spend a long time with Amazon customer support to resolve it. Posting here in case my experience can help anyone having a similar problem. It turned out to be an issue related to MS Windows. I use Kindle for PC on a Windows 7 desktop computer. Choose from over a million Kindle books from the Kindle Store, including New York Times® best sellers and new releases. Amazon Whispersync technology automatically syncs your eBooks across apps, so you can start reading a book on your Windows Phone 8, and pick up where you left off on another device with the Kindle app installed. Attach Kindle to a working USB port on your computer and turn off your Kindle completely. Now turn it back on and see if the computer detects the hardware. To restart Kindle, press and hold the power button for ~40 seconds. If the restart process gets initiated, release it. Connect Kindle to your PC and open your Kindle. My kindle started crashing this morning. I tried your fix. When reloading the Kindle app to my ipad (first generation) I was told that the app could not be download to less than IOS 10.0. The nearest compatible version would not allow me to access my amazon account. So my ipad is now useless for reading books from amazon.
The Kindle app & hardware appears to have problems on Windows 10. If Amazon Kindle for PC won't open or has stopped working on Windows 10, then these suggestions are sure to fix the issue. If your Kindle does not restart automatically, you can turn it on by pressing the Power button. Method 5: Connecting Kindle as a Camera. If your PC does not recognize your Kindle, you can try connecting it as a camera. Once you’ve plugged your device to your computer, open the Notifications bar, then select the Connection Options. the above did not help in my case. i have a Nook tablet 7. my wife has the same device and the kindle app works fine, but on mine, it is either disappearing or keeps reporting a problem. have tried the above several times and a couple other answers i found thru google. it dawned on me that it could be the extra gb card i added to the nook. sure enough, i removed it, reinstalled kindle and it. Question: Q: Why won't Kindle app open? Every time I try to open my Kindle app on my Macbook Air, the app stays stuck on the initializing screen. I am using OS High Sierra, and the Kindle app used to work properly. Are there any trouble-shooting tips? More Less.