Gospel Living App Create Circles

Gospel Living app is here!. but I don't see an option to create new circles (they start out with your household as recorded in your Church account). I'm assuming that's just a bug. I'm on Android, so I wonder if iOS users have the same or different kinks to work out. 18 comments.
Gospel living app create circles. Download Gospel Living apk 1.3.0 (104418.18) for Android. Strive to be better, create and track goals, share your progress with friends. Re: Gospel Living' app circles Post by loppygoof » Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:14 pm Our elders quorum has multiple committee's, we want to make circles for each each committee+the presidency to increase the communication and awareness of how things are going. Re: Gospel Living' app circles Post by sbradshaw » Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:46 pm I don't think there is a way to currently, however, that would be a good suggestion to send as feedback (under Settings). CIRCLES The Circles feature connects you with family, classes, quo-rums, and others who serve with you in the Church. You can have conversations about what you’re learning, share progress, and encourage and support each other. Plus, you can share inspirational articles, images, videos, and service and activity ideas. LIVING App GOSPEL NEW AND.
Gospel Living: Android app (4.6 ★, 100,000+ downloads) → The Gospel Living mobile app is designed to be inspiring, engaging, fun, and relevant to everyday life. It... Download PDF. One of the best things about the Gospel Living app is how easy it is to make goals! Here’s a quick refresher on how to use it: Step 1: Go to “My Life.” Step 2: Click on the blue + button. Step 3: Select “Create New Goal.” Step 4: Write your goal in the space provided. Step 5: Set a reminder. Step 6: Save your goal. Other Features “Gospel Living App,” New Era, Jan. 2020, 45. Gospel APPlication.. You can create new activities, see your reminders, and check your progress on your goals.. Circles. The Circles feature connects you with family, classes, quorums, and others who serve with you in the Church. You can have conversations about what you’re learning. The features of the Gospel Living app. Credit: Church News graphic. Screenshot of the Circles messaging feature in the new Gospel Living app. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles demonstrates features of the new Gospel Living app during a Face to Face event for Children and Youth on Nov.
The Gospel Living app is now available through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.. You can create new activities, see your reminders, and check your progress on your goals.. Circles. The Circles feature connects you with family, classes, quorums, and others who serve with you in the Church.. The Gospel Living mobile app is designed to be inspiring, engaging, fun, and relevant to everyday life.. You can create new activities, see your reminders, and check your progress on your goals. New Entry. Circles The Circles feature connects you with family, classes, quorums, and others who serve with you in the Church.. Youth have it all in this one-stop gospel living app Discover. Create. Connect. The Gospel Living mobile app is designed to be inspiring, engaging, fun, and relevant to everyday life. It supports a Christian life through: - Inspiring content - Reminders - Activity ideas - Communication - Journaling - Personal goals. Discover Re: Gospel Living App Duplicate Circles Post by sbradshaw » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:47 pm There was an update that went out today (Gospel Living 1.1.4 for iOS, or 1.1.3 for Android) – are you still seeing the problem after updating?
Re: Gospel Living' app circles Post by Stephaniemariepoff » Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:58 pm My husband and I are seminary teachers in our ward and I am wondering how we can create a circle for our class. Re: Create - Gospel Living app circles Post by davesudweeks » Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:44 pm russ2p wrote: I also would like to upvote/add a request for this functionality of creating your own circles. The Circles feature in the Gospel Living app is one of many ways leaders and members are continuing their responsibilities and staying connected through technology during the present pandemic. Travis Jordan, elders quorum president in the Summerhill Ward in Saratoga Springs, Utah, said he frequently uses Circles to communicate with his quorum. The Gospel Living app opens to a Discover feed of inspirational videos, music, micro articles,. youth can record thoughts and impressions that come to them during the day and create social, intellectual, physical,. Circles. A screenshot from the Gospel Living app shows how members of a circle can communicate with each other.