Google News App Not Working

Try the following steps if an app installed on your phone has any of these problems: Crashing. Won’t open. Won’t respond. Isn’t working properly. If the app that isn’t working is an Instant App, try these troubleshooting steps instead. After each step, restart your phone to see if it fixed the issue.
Google news app not working. If everything checks out but Google Assistant is still not working on your phone, the next thing to do is make sure the service is turned on. Open the Google app on your device, select the “More. Covidsafe app is not working properly on iPhones, authorities admit This article is more than 2 months old An update to integrate the Google-Apple framework should fix the issue, MPs told 7. Update Google App. At times, the issue is with the app itself. So, try updating the Google app from Play Store. For that, open the Play Store and search for Google. Update the app with the. 6. Uninstall Google App Updates. Since the Google app is a pre-installed app, you cannot uninstall it from your phone. However, you can remove its updates to fix issues related to the app.
Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. Get the latest breaking news from the BBC and our global network of journalists. The app also offers the BBC News Channel streamed live, social features and personalisation so you can re-order the news categories to suit your interests. Key features: Top Stories brings you the latest, breaking news from our trusted global network of journalists. My News is a feature allowing you to personalise. Google News is a smart news app that organizes what’s happening in the world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you. Stay up to date • The For You tab makes it easy to stay up to date on everything you care about in one place. • Your briefing updates throughout the day with five stories that Google News has organized for you. Great app - location not working This is my favourite news app but for some reason I cannot turn location services on. When the google news app asks if I want use location services and I press “enable” the iOS permission window does not appear. Subsequently there is no option to enable location services in the iOS settings for this app.
We're now coming to the slightly more drastic solutions. If your Play Store app still isn't working, then you may need to refresh your Google account on your Android device. This will mean your Google account on your entire phone will be reset and not just in the Google Play Store. Make sure you know the account(s) before you start this. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Apple and Google did not know the UK government planned to build a “hybrid model” bringing their contact-tracing system together with the NHS app until Matt Hancock promised to do so on.
Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub), HoloLens, Xbox One. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for GNews - Google News Reader. Google Pay not working: There are numerous explanations an inability to pay via Google (Image: Getty) Related articles 100 million Android users warned to 'delete this app immediately' It would help if you were more specific about what Google isn’t working on your iPad. Is it the Google Mail app? Does Google not load in Safari? Are you having trouble accessing Google Drive? Without more details, it is impossible to tell you “how... Scroll across to the “All” tab and go down till you reach the Google app. Click on it. If it reads “DISABLED” on the option shown below, click on it to re-enable the Google App. Try making a search on the Google Search widget to see whether the issue has been fixed. Step 4: Uninstall updates on Google App