Google Lens Apple

Earlier this month Google made Google Lens available for non-Pixel Android devices, and this week it’s finally started rolling the feature out to iOS devices like your iPhone and iPad as well.
Google lens apple. Discover how the Google Lens app can help you explore the world around you. Use your phone's camera to search what you see in an entirely new way. Google Lens ti consente di cercare ciò che vedi, risparmiare tempo e comprendere il mondo che ti circonda utilizzando la fotocamera o una foto. SCANSIONARE E TRADURRE TESTI Traduci le parole che vedi, salva un biglietto da visita tra i tuoi contatti, aggiungi eventi al calendario da un poster e copia e incolla codici complicati o lunghi paragrafi sul telefono per risparmiare tempo. Google Lens lets you search what you see, get things done faster, and understand the world around you—using just your camera or a photo. SCAN & TRANSLATE TEXT Translate words you see, save a business card to your contacts, add events to your calendar from a poster, and copy and paste complicated codes or long paragraphs into your phone to save time. Con Google Lens puedes buscar información sobre todo aquello que veas, completar tareas más rápido y comprender mejor el mundo que te rodea, y todo simplemente con tu cámara o una foto. ESCANEA Y TRADUCE TEXTOS Traduce las palabras que ves, guarda una tarjeta de visita en tus contactos, añade a tu calendario el evento de un póster, o copia y pega códigos complejos o párrafos largos en.
還記得上週Google 舉辦的 I/O 發表會嗎?除了超強大的 Google Duplex 之外,Google 也介紹到了將 AI 結合照片的 Google Lens 。其強大功能就是能夠透過人工智慧將你的照片內容進行掃描,並找到相關的網路資訊來提供你搜尋。而 Google Lens 現在也悄悄登陸 iOS 平台囉! Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Google Lens is a content recognition app from Google that retrieves more information from an image. This includes language translation, getting information on products, menu from several restaurants and getting background information on monuments, places and more. Google Lens vous permet de rechercher ce que vous voyez, d'aller plus vite et de mieux comprendre le monde qui vous entoure. Et il vous suffit pour cela d'une caméra ou d'une photo. NUMÉRISER ET TRADUIRE Traduisez les mots que vous voyez, enregistrez une carte de visite dans vos contacts, ajoutez des événements à votre agenda depuis une affiche et copiez-collez des codes compliqués ou de.
Google Lens was initially introduced to the world at Google’s yearly developer conference last May. The app was initially only available for Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL owners. Lens is built using Google’s AI image recognition technology, meaning that it should be able to identify just about anything that you may throw at it. Google Lens lets you search what you see, get things done faster, and understand the world around you—using just your camera or a photo. SCAN & TRANSLATE TEXT Translate words you see, save a business card to your contacts, add events to your calendar from a poster, and copy and paste complicated codes or long paragraphs into your phone to. Google Lens is a neat little feature that can identify real-world objects, like signs, buildings, books, plants, and more using your phone’s camera. And it gives you more information about the object. It’s available in the Google Photos app, but if you don’t use Google Photos, you can now access Google Lens in the regular Google Search app. “Over the past 10 years Apple has produced 10,975 patents with a team of 5,232 inventors, and Google has produced 12,386 with a team of 8,888,” writes Wes Bernegger, data explorer at Periscopic.
L'appli Google vous permet de vous tenir au courant de tous les sujets qui vous intéressent. Trouvez rapidement des réponses à vos questions, explorez vos thèmes favoris et tenez-vous informé avec Discover. Plus vous utilisez l'appli Google, plus elle s'améliore. Faites des recherches sur tout ce… Google is now rolling out Lens, its object recognition tool for photos, to iOS devices. To get Lens, you'll need Google Photos, as Lens operates inside of that app.. In a tweet shared last night. Google Lens can now also recognize people, Wi-Fi network names for auto-connecting, and geometric shapes. And if it isn't sure what an object is, it will offer up similar photos that match. Google's visuele zoekfunctie Google Lens is vanaf nu te gebruiken op iPhone en iPad. De functie is te vinden in een update van de Google Foto's-app. Bij het aantikken van een foto kan Google Lens.