Geocaching App Iphone

Geocaching Australia does NOT have an official geocaching app for iOS, Android, Blackberry or other mobile platform.. If you have such an application and it is faulty or you have a query, please contact the applications developer directly for help.
Geocaching app iphone. Lade Geocaching® und genieße die App auf deinem iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Trete mit der offiziellen Geocaching®-App der größten Schatzjagd-Community der Welt bei. Egal, ob Du unterwegs bist, um Deinen ersten Geocache oder Deinen Zehntausendsten zu finden, diese App ist Dein ultimatives Geocaching-Hilfsmittel. Download Geocaching® and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Join the world’s largest treasure-hunting community with the official app for geocaching. Whether you are off to find your first geocache or your ten-thousandth, this app is your ultimate geocaching toolbox. Discussions about features, bugs, and ways to improve the Geocaching® app for iPhone. The official Geocaching App for iPhone (current version 8.18.0(1)) requires iOS 10 or newer. Aslan, it would help if we knew your information, like in the format that kunarion used above.
For most people, geocaching involves using the official Geocaching app, listed below. However, there are several other geocaching apps that you might like better or that have features that are cheaper than in the Geocaching app. Listed below are all the best geocaching apps, some free and some that require payment. 6 Best Geocaching Apps for iPhone & iPad. 1.Geocaching (FREE) Geocaching is the official app for geocaching with the world’s largest treasure-hunting community. There are millions of geocache containers that are hidden in almost every country which you can find through this app. This app takes you through the adventure of finding geocaches. Lijstweergave in de app; Informatie van een geocache bekijken. Bij een simpele klik op de geocaches op de kaart of in de lijst in de app voor geocaching, dan krijg je meer informatie over de geocache zelf, grotendeels gelijk aan de geocache listing dat je op de Geocaching website kan vinden.; Zo zie je de moeilijkheid, de terreinwaarde en het formaat van de geocache en kan je eenvoudig zijn. O aplicativo de Geocaching da Groundpseak Inc. é um dos mais populares na App Store, contando com excelentes avaliações de mais de 9,5 mil usuários. Ele conta com um tutorial intuitivo para usuários que estão apenas começando a fazer geocaching, incluindo dicas e instruções sobre a atividade e como utilizar o app. Isso faz com que seja.
Create an account online or through the Geocaching® app to view a map of geocaches near you. 2. Find a geocache. Use the app to navigate to a geocache nearby. Don’t forget to bring a pen! 3. Share your experience. Once you find the geocache, sign and date the logbook. Place the geocache back where you found it and log your experience online. 1: Geocaching. De officiële app van de bedenkers van het geocachen is een uitstekend beginpunt. Geschikt voor zowel de beginnende schatzoekers als gevorderden. Via de app kun je op zoek naar meer dan 3 miljoen caches in de hele wereld. Zodra je Geocaching opstart, zie je meteen welke caches er bij jou in de buurt liggen. The official app from Groundspeak is the essential geocaching app. The app allows direct access to the cache database. The app continues to be updated and now is at version 4.2. Geocaching by Groundspeak iPhone App From the acknowledged originators of geocaching, Groundspeak Inc., this is the current version of their popular geocaching app. As would be expected from innovators – this app set the standard for smartphone geocaching apps, and its constant updates have maintained its appeal to geosearchers.
Cachly. Cachly is a simple and powerful Geocaching app for iOS. With the end of the Geocaching Classic app fast approaching (it’s due to be retired on March 23rd), the question of which app is the best option for iOS users is a hot topic right now. I reviewed the Cachly app in April 2016, but since, then there have been lots of improvements made to this already great app. At the same time, the Geocaching® App has been built upon by Groundspeak, with. iPhone Geocaching Apps “Geocaching” von Groundspeak Mit der offiziellen App von Groundspeak kannst du direkt Caches in deiner momentanen Umgebung suchen. Die App greift live auf die Geocaching-Datenbank zu und vergleicht die Daten mit deiner aktuellen Position. Eine der bekanntesten und bisher bewährten Apps zum Geocaching ist die gleichnamige App von Groundspeak. Erhältlich ist Sie für Android und iOS in einer kostenfreien Version, die sich vor allem an Neulinge richtet. Premium-Upgrades können bereits aus dieser Version getätigt werden, kosten jedoch für Android derzeit 8,99 Euro und für iOS 9,99 Euro.