Geocaching App Android

Geocaching macht die Welt um Dich herum zum Abenteuer. Nimm an der weltweit größten Schatzsuche teil und entdecke Deine Umgebung auf ganz neue Weise. Millionen an clever versteckten Boxen, die sich Geocaches nennen, warten nur darauf von Dir gefunden zu werden. Geh nach draußen, komm in Bewegung und stelle Dich einer neuen Herausforderung, indem Du geheime Orte erforschst, Rätsel löst.
Geocaching app android. Once you find a cache, you can log your find on the app, which will then be updated to your account on the website. The future of this app is unsure, but for the casual geocacher, this free app should get the job done. Geocaching ($9.99) This is the “official” geocaching app from Groundspeak. It currently is the most expensive. Object moved to here. Release date: 2019-12-16 Current version: 5.2.16 File size: 90.01 MB Developer: Zed Said Studio LLC Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later. or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android P 9.0 or later Cachly is a simple and powerful Geocaching app for iOS that includes many advanced features that include the following: - Geocaching account Cachly uses. Geocaching Australia does NOT have an official geocaching app for iOS, Android, Blackberry or other mobile platform.. If you have such an application and it is faulty or you have a query, please contact the applications developer directly for help.
Het Geocaching spel heeft sinds de invoering van de app veel aan populariteit gewonnen, daarom investeert Groundspeak ook veel aan de ontwikkeling en verbetering van deze applicatie. Geocaches zoeken in de Geocaching app. De geocaches in de geocaching app kan je bekijken op een kaart of in een lijst, wat jouw voorkeur geniet. Mit diesen App können Android Nutzer aktiv am Geocaching teilnehmen – unsere Auswahl der besten Geocaching Apps für Android. 1. c:geo – opensource Seine Daten bezieht c:geo – opensource vom Online-Portal Die App bietet die Möglichkeit, Suchen nach verschiedenen Kriterien zu filtern, auf einer Karte zu speichern oder. Cachebox. CacheBox is a paperless mobile geocaching software for Android with online and offline maps support and Live API capability. For Android. CacheSense This application is built on the Geocaching Live API, which allows you to tap into the more than 1.75 million geocaching adventures around the world as cataloged by Geocaching. It is good for both beginners and veteran geocachers. Since it is compatible for Android, you are able to use multiple map sources other than Google.
Geocaching with Android: what is it and the best apps to use. There are many uses for the GPS system in your Android phone. There are the obvious ones, like satnav and checking in at locations via social services such as Foursquare, and there are more obscure ones, too.. The app on Android may be a predominantly urban affair, but typing. One for the Android users now is C:Geo, an app that offers support for and plenty other geocaching platforms. Users can view caches on a live map, use Google or Open Street maps to find caches, log finds online and store cache information on their device. It’s simply, intuitive and only requires a geocaching account. Join the world’s largest treasure-hunting community with the official app for geocaching. Whether you are off to find your first geocache or your ten-thousandth, this app is your ultimate geocaching toolbox. There are millions of clever containers called geocaches hidden in almost every country on… Neongeo Android App Although not intended as an endorsement as the only “best” geocaching app for android phones – Neongeo does have the most satisfied-customer reviews, and 5-star ratings. It should definitely be the first one you check. Current app price: $4.68, but remember, you will also want/need a premium membership at $30 per year.
Eine der bekanntesten und bisher bewährten Apps zum Geocaching ist die gleichnamige App von Groundspeak. Erhältlich ist Sie für Android und iOS in einer kostenfreien Version, die sich vor allem an Neulinge richtet. Premium-Upgrades können bereits aus dieser Version getätigt werden, kosten jedoch für Android derzeit 8,99 Euro und für iOS 9,99 Euro. Here my favorite Geocaching Apps for Android. Some of the apps are exclusively available on Android (unfortunately). That’s why I can’t tell you too much about iPhone apps because I don’t have the phone and experience to provide you with this list. c:geo. This app is my main go-to app if it comes to the sport of geocaching itself. Het beste startpunt voor geocachers is de officiële geocaching-app van Groundspeak. De app biedt alles wat je als beginnende geocacher nodig hebt om op pad te kunnen. Je kunt onder andere zoeken naar caches in de omgeving, je naar deze caches laten sturen via verschillende kaarten, hints en reacties lezen en je vondst online registreren. Create an account online or through the Geocaching® app to view a map of geocaches near you. 2. Find a geocache. Use the app to navigate to a geocache nearby. Don’t forget to bring a pen! 3. Share your experience. Once you find the geocache, sign and date the logbook. Place the geocache back where you found it and log your experience online.