Family Link App Youtube

Probeer de kosteloze Google Family Link-app voor ouderlijk toezicht. Met de Family Link-app kun je op afstand vanaf je eigen apparaat digitale huisregels instellen om jonge kinderen of opgroeiende tieners te begeleiden bij het leren, spelen en ontdekken op internet. Is je kind jonger dan dertien jaar (of de geldende minimum leeftijd in je land), dan kun je met Family Link ook een Google.
Family link app youtube. Try the free Family Link parental controls app from Google. Whether your children are younger or in their teens, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules remotely from your own device to help guide them as they learn, play, and explore online. For children under 13 (or the applicable age of consent in your country), Family Link also lets you create a Google Account for your child. You can use the Family Link app to manage your child's activity settings, including their YouTube Search History and YouTube Watch History settings.. Turn Restricted Mode on or off. No content filter settings are turned on in YouTube by default. You can turn on Restricted Mode to help screen out potentially mature content that you may not want your child to see. O Family Link é um app gratuito de controle para os pais desenvolvido pelo Google. Com ele, você pode definir regras digitais remotamente do seu dispositivo para orientar seus filhos pequenos ou adolescentes a aprender, brincar e navegar on-line. No app Family Link, também é possível criar uma Conta do Google exatamente como a sua, com acesso à maioria dos serviços do Google, para. Aiuta la tua famiglia a creare abitudini digitali sane. L'app Family Link consente di impostare le regole di base della vita digitale di bambini e adolescenti e ti permette di seguirli mentre imparano, giocano e navigano sul Web.
Google also announced that Family Link is expanding globally. Currently, the app is live in 30 countries around the world such as Canada, Brazil, Japan, and more. The app will soon be available in. Whether your children are younger or in their teens, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules to help guide them as they learn, play, and explore online. For children under 13 (or the applicable age of consent in your country), Family Link also lets you create a Google Account for your… When your kid uses YouTube Kids with their Google Account, you will be able to change their content level setting in the Family Link app on your device. Note that content level settings are currently only available in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Jamaica, Philippines, and South Africa. Family Link even allows for granular control over app behavior. You can easily set up blocks for particular websites on Chrome, block specific channels on the Youtube Kids app, and more.
The parents’ Family Link app includes 'teacher recommended' educational apps and games and they can be remotely installed on your kids’ devices through Family Link. It also lets you monitor. The Family Link app from Google helps parents stay in the loop as their child or teen explores on their Android device, and lets parents set certain digital ground rules for their family. First, a child/teen will need a compatible device (see which devices work with Family Link). Then, parents can start by downloading Family Link onto their own. Google Family Link is a parental control app for people with kids. The app launched a couple of years ago, but it became a part of stock Android starting with Android 10.You still need the app in. Prova Family Link, l'app gratuita di Google per il controllo genitori. Con l'app Family Link imposti da remoto, con il tuo dispositivo, le regole di base della vita digitale per seguire i tuoi figli mentre imparano, giocano e navigano sul Web. Per i bambini di età inferiore a 13 anni (o dell'età minima richiesta nel tuo paese) Family Link ti consente inoltre di creare per tuo figlio un.
As a parent, you can use Family Link to do things like: Change some of your child's Google Account settings; Manage your child's apps on supervised devices: Decide which apps your child can download or purchase, block or allow apps, and change app permissions.; Manage your child's screen time on supervised devices: Set a bedtime or daily screen limits, and see how much time your child spends. Med Family Link kan du ange tidsgränser och en stopptid för barnets enhet så att du kan hjälpa ditt barn hitta en bra balans. Lås barnets enhet Oavsett om det är dags för utelek, att äta middag eller bara vara tillsammans en stund så kan du fjärrlåsa en enhet när det är dags att ta en paus. 歡迎免費試用 Google 的 Family Link 家長監護應用程式。無論子女尚年幼或已進入青少年階段,您都可以在自己的裝置上使用 Family Link 應用程式,從遠端設定數位裝置基本使用規則,正確引導他們在網路世界學習、玩樂及探索。 When you use Family Link to create a Google Account for your child under 13, your child can use the YouTube Kids app where it’s available.However, they can't use any other YouTube apps, websites, or features until they turn 13 and manage their own Google Account.