Corona Sdk Application Name

parm. The first argument param is a string that determines what is returned. Valid values for param: "name" returns the human readable model name. On iPhone, this would be the name of the phone as it appears in iTunes, e.g. "Steve's iPhone".
Corona sdk application name. This software development kit was launched by Corona Labs Inc in 2009. Using an easy to learn Lua scripting language, Corona SDK has become the favorite for many 2D mobile game developers. Be it mobile game development on Android or iOS, Corona SDK is known to be the fastest development tool/framework. Enter a name for your app in the “Application Name:” field and leave the rest of the settings at their defaults.. in the project directory are for the application icon!. The Corona SDK. Type your application name in Application Name, click Ok. As soon as you click Ok, the Corona SDK will create a multi-scene application for you in the project folder and simulate it. This is the beauty that I love about this framework. Corona SDK is a practical and comprehensive piece of software especially intended for developers who need to create and design mobile applications effortlessly, regardless of their type and size..
Corona Sdk is a Trademark by Corona Labs, Inc., the address on file for this trademark is 350 Alabama Street, #10, San Francisco, CA 94110 Android app name localization problem - posted in Android: In iOS , we can modify build.settings file , add iphone specific InfoPlist.strings to set CFBundleLocalizations for different application name under different language, e.g. iphone = { plist = { CFBundleLocalizations={ en, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, },... Solar2D (formerly Corona SDK) is a software development kit originally developed by Corona Labs Inc. now maintained by Vlad Shcherban.Released in late 2009, it allows software programmers to build 2D mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Kindle, desktop applications for Windows, Linux and OS X, and connected TV applications for Apple TV, Fire TV and Android TV. Get this from a library! Corona SDK Application Design.. [Daniel Williams] -- A step by step tutorial that focuses on everything from setup to deployment of basic apps. Have you ever wanted to create your own app? Then this book is for you. You will learn how to create apps.
Web Server. Upload the .apk to a web server. Next, point your Android device's web browser to the file's URL to download the app to the device. Finally, click on the file in the Download History to install it.. If this method fails, and the application downloads as a text file, you may need to add the following configuration line to a .htaccess file in the application's directory on the web. Corona Project Manager (CPM) is for anyone who develops mobile apps using Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK or Corona Game Edition. It's a manager for all the projects and assets (source code files, graphics, audio files, etc.) that go into your app so you can quickly switch from one to another, swap out assets, and just generally have a smoother workflow. A long time ago, a demo was made for Corona SDK by Jonathan and Biffy Beebe called Ghosts vs. Monsters (GvM). It was a simple clone of a very popular game of that time - Angry Birds. Updating the game for today Five years have passed since then. The original GvM was developed for Graphics v1, it only supported 480x320 or 960x640 resolution screens, and the code didn't follow current best. The Adjust SDK might need the INTERNET permission at any point in time. The Adjust SDK needs the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission in case your app is not targeting the Google Play Store and doesn't use Google Play Services. If you are targeting the Google Play Store and you are using Google Play Services, the Adjust SDK doesn't need the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission and, if you don't need it.
Corona is a cross-platform framework ideal for rapidly creating apps and games for mobile devices and desktop systems. That means you can create your project once and publish it to multiple types of devices, including Apple iPhone and iPad, Android phones and tablets, Amazon Fire, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop, and even connected TVs such as Apple TV, Fire TV, and Android TV. Application Name — The application name you've entered can be fetched at runtime via Corona's system.getInfo( "appName" ) call. \Program Files\Corona Labs\Corona SDK\Corona.Shell.exe. When you run the Corona Shell, it will prompt you to select a Corona project's main.lua file. Once the file has been selected, it will run the app. 3.2 Replace XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX with your Application Key, available in the OneSignal dashboard under Settings > Keys & IDs.. 3.3 Android - Replace ##### with your Google Project number.. 3.4 Amazon - Put your app_key.txt (from Generate an Amazon API Key instructions above) into the root of your Corona project folder.. When you build your app, change the Target App Store. Application Overview. Using ready-made graphics, we'll create an entertaining game using the Lua programming language and the Corona SDK APIs. The player will be able to move a helicopter on the screen and needs to avoid any obstacles it comes across. You can modify the parameters in the code to customize the game.