Citizenship Application Checklist

It’s issued by the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) and you can download one from their website. This form alone is not enough to submit a successful naturalization application, though. A little later we’ll go through an N-400 checklist to explain the other documents required in your application.
Citizenship application checklist. Canadian Citizenship Application Checklist includes form CIT 0002, Document Checklist ( CIT 0007), Citizenship Photo Specifications, Form CIT 0177, and Form IMM 5476. The form is intended for the candidates who want to apply for Canadian Citizenship. Applicants using CIT 0007 form must be Canadian Permanent Resident, be aged 18 or older. Get the complete list of all required documents to submit with your citizenship application. What is Form N-400? Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is an application issued by the government for foreign born individuals to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. Application for Canadian Citizenship — Adults [Form CIT 0002] Document Checklist [CIT 0007] (PDF, 1.83 MB) Citizenship Photo Specifications; Residence Outside Canada [Form CIT 0177] (PDF, 667.46 KB) Use of a Representative [Form IMM 5476] (PDF, 648.31 KB) As part of the naturalization process, all U.S. citizenship applicants are required to provide supporting documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).Which documents are necessary depends on each applicant’s situation. Green card holders applying for naturalization based on their marriage to a U.S. citizen, for instance, must provide additional documentation, such as a.
As part of your citizenship application, we will need a signed Identity declaration and endorsed passport-sized photograph of you. Another person must complete the Identity declaration on your behalf and endorse the back of a passport-size photograph of you. That person must: be an Australian citizen, and; have known you for at least one year, and We must not approve your application for Australian citizenship: • when proceedings for an offence against an Australian law (including proceedings by way of appeal or review) are pending. • when it is less than 2 years since you were released from prison after serving a prison sentence of 12 months or more, or 10 years if you are a repeat. c Main content. This checklist lists documents commonly required. If you apply: á? online through the website, provide your original documents and certified copies at your citizenship appointment. á? on a paper form, attach certified copies to your application and bring your original documents to your citizenship appointment. The Form N-400 Instructions often refer to information in the guide, and it provides important information about citizenship eligibility requirements and processing procedures. Biometrics : Applicants who file Form N-400 and later appear at an application support center (ASC) for biometric capturing are required to submit to a photograph and.
The application process for American citizenship is a bit complex. You need to use Form N-400, Application for Naturalization for citizenship. This form must be filed with the required fees and certain supporting documents. Below is a checklist of the supporting documents you will need to send with your citizenship application. It can take several months for the application form to be processed, so apply as soon as you are able to. Start preparing for the US citizenship interview and test. Take classes, use a US citizenship test kit, or read books designed to help you prepare for this citizenship test. These questions are for adults (age 18 and over) who want to apply for citizenship. Minors (under age 18) have some different requirements. These questions are based on the legal requirements for a Canadian citizenship application. The results are not legal advice, they will not be part of your formal application. DOCUMENT CHECKLIST . APPLICATION FOR CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP UNDER SUBSECTION 5(1) ADULTS (18 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER) CIT 0007 (06-2019) E. Use the. to find important details of each document on this Document Checklist. Send the following documents with your application. Check. each box once you have included it with your application.
All applicants must send the following three items with their N-400 application: A photocopy of both sides of their Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien Registration Receipt Card or “Green Card”). If you have lost the card, submit a photocopy of the receipt of your Form I-90, Application to Replace Alien Registration Receipt Card. Checklist is an important to lay down especially when an individual wish to make an application for citizenship in Australia. List of documents are present in the checklist which would be commonly required while processing the application of the individual applicant. In this section, you will find a general description of the naturalization application process. Before you apply, be sure that you meet all eligibility requirements and check if you qualify for any exceptions and accommodations. USCIS has also developed responses to commonly asked questions about citizenship and the naturalization process. When you apply for a citizenship certificate, you must include supporting documents. See Documents You Must Send With Your Application for the complete list.. If you are applying for a citizenship certificate for the first time, you must send original documents or certified photocopies.If you are applying for a replacement certificate, you can send photocopies of your documents.