Box Tops App Flyer

After 23 years of clipping, Box Tops is changing to fit today’s families. To participate in the new digital program simply, download and use the Box Tops App!The new and improved app uses technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online.
Box tops app flyer. No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. With the Box Tops for Education app, you can turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. Here’s how: - BUY the Box Tops products you already know and love - SCAN your receipt so that your Box Tops purchases are recognized - EARN cash for your school, based on your eligible purchases Twice a year. Box Tops Bonus App flyer.pdf - Google Docs. Loading… Box Tops App - NEW for 2019-20! Clipping Box Tops is SO last year! This fall, we invite you to download the new Box Tops App and making donating to Bellerive easier than ever. Just scan your receipts, and the app will recognize eligible items, and donations will be logged to Bellerive. Easy as pie! Don’t panic: Traditional box tops will be honored until they expire, which in some cases could be a few years from now. But the transition is under way. The future of BTFE is digital-only and is based on a free receipt-scanning app that folks use to update their box tops activity and automatically update a school’s account. Five Quick Takeaways
Boxtops Mobile App flyer Email Digital Receipt Marguerite Mulvey Elementary School » School Info » PTA » Box Tops for Education » Boxtops Mobile App flyer needs through the Box Tops for Education® Bonus App. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. It’s free and as easy as 1-2-3. Here’s how it works: You can earn Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops Bonus App in combination with the on-pack Box Tops clip and any other coupon, discount, store program or promotion. BOX TOPS BONUS APP BUY. If you can get a paper flyer into your audience's hands, it will capture their attention much more effectively than one more electronic image among thousands. With Adobe Spark's free flyer templates, you can reach out simultaneously through the online and real worlds -- and it's totally easy. Until now. General Mills, which runs the Box Tops for Education program, has mercifully unveiled its new app, which allows parents to scan receipts with qualifying products and automatically apply it to their school’s account.. I had my doubts that this app could properly scan my local grocery store’s notoriously faded and mile-long receipts, but it did, and my son’s school is now 10.
Mar 11, 2018 - Ideas for handouts to send home to families. See more ideas about Box tops, Box tops contest, School fundraisers. Sweepstakes: Scan your receipt on the Box Tops app for a chance to win 10,000 Bonus Box Tops for your school. 10 schools will win! Good Luck ! 🍀 7/6/20 - 8/16/20. The app will be available for most devices and can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store and Google Play. The app automatically identifies all participating Box Tops products and bonus offers. Eventually the Box Tops program will become digital-only. Participating brands are starting to change their packaging from a traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Top label. If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school.
This flyer has a list of products with bonus box tops attached for the summer/back-to-school promotion. Downloads: 1598 Hot! Download With the new Box Tops app, you can be a part of the next evolution of the program – strengthening our schools for generations to come. What’s New. Version History. Jul 29, 2020. Version 4.29.0. Thank you for using Box Tops for Education! This update smooths out some rough edges, fixes some bugs, and includes other enhancements. Make sure you have a Box Tops for Education account (you can create one via the Box Tops app or website) 2. Forward your email receipt to using the same email that’s associated with your BTFE account 3. Box Tops will be credited within 10 business days – view your earnings detail in the MY EARNINGS section of. needs through the Box Tops for Education® Bonus App. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. It’s free and as easy as 1-2-3. Here’s how it works: You can earn Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops Bonus App in combination with the on-pack Box Tops clip and any other coupon, discount, store program or promotion. NEW BOX TOPS BONUS.