Blind App Review

While most employers are familiar with Glassdoor and Indeed as platforms for submitting anonymous employee reviews, far less are familiar with Blind, a native mobile app that touts itself as a “real-time Glassdoor” in ads.. To get an idea of how popular Blind is, the company says it currently has 34,500 users who are employees at Microsoft, 7,800 who work for Google, and 16,800 at Amazon.
Blind app review. Blind is an anonymous community app for the workplace. Our vision in creating this space was to break down professional barriers and hierarchy. The government of Canada recently made headlines for their blind hiring pilot project: removing candidates’ names before hiring managers review their applications. Government officials state this blind hiring initiative is designed to “ reduce unconscious bias ” and “ promote gender and ethnic equality .” Blind. 11K likes. Blind is a place where 3.5M+ professionals worldwide share advice, provide honest feedback, improve company culture and discover relevant career information. An app called Blind is connecting tens of thousands of employees at Amazon, Uber, Apple, Google and about 1,000 other U.S. tech companies. Blind is an anonymous message board for users to discuss.
Blind is a trusted community where 3.2M+ professionals worldwide share insights, provide honest feedback, improve company culture and discover relevant career information. ** Salaries? Interviews? Job referrals? Need career advice? ** Connect & have honest conversations on workplace topics like salaries and company culture. Direct message with users on Blind for FREE. The Voice Command feature is a premium service requiring purchase of credits for continuous use. Voice Command Credits are available as an in-app purchase on the App Store. Using BlindSquare as a GPS solution: When you start the app, it will start telling you the interesting places and street crossings around you. For users willing to try the app, Blind is an effective avenue for comparing specific roles across companies, getting honest feedback on product launches and company policies from often silent. This app is mighty useful for people who battle social awkwardness on a daily basis and helps experience the joy of spending quality time with a person who shares similar tastes and quirks as yourself. Keep up to speed by networking, 21st century style, with BLIND MEET.
Blind Spot is a story-driven VR adventure game. Solve various puzzles all over the room to proceed, and explore every detail of surroundings to find what really happened. Blind isn't a new app. It launched in the U.S. in 2015, but it got its start the year prior in South Korea, where the founders still operate the business. Now that it's starting to get more. Timecrest – Blind Review June 27, 2020 June 27, 2020 Robert Kingett 410 Views Blind Accessibility , iOS , Mobile Games , Sneaky Crab , Timecrest 5 minute read Before trying a game, I always have a surge of anxiety and dread because I don't know if a game will be fully accessible before buying. Today, I will be sharing my Be My Eyes app review and how I use the Be My Eyes app as a user with fluctuating eyesight. What is Be My Eyes? Be My Eyes is a free smartphone app for iOS and Android. Be My Eyes connects blind and low vision users with sighted volunteers or company representatives for visual assistance through a live video connection.
OKCupid Launches 'Crazy Blind Date' App. With Valentine's Day officially less than a month away, OKCupid on Tuesday morning launched a new mobile app dubbed Crazy Blind Date to help users spice up. Unlike reddit and other chat communities, Blind doesn’t seem to have any enforced rules for trolling and harsh comments. I had this app for about 2 weeks and decided to delete it because I was sick of seeing people post harsh comments and supporting other harsh comments that simply amounts to cyberbullying. A public Topics channel where you can engage with the entire Blind community; Additional features include: group chats, 1:1 conversations, a salary comparison tool, company reviews and more. Please note that some features are only available on either app or web. Thousands of people trusted Blind, an app-based “anonymous social network,” as a safe way to reveal malfeasance, wrongdoing and improper conduct at their companies. But Blind left one of its.