Better Me App Refund

Here is a list of the problems you can report and the action it will provide: I'd like to request a refund - If you aren't happy with the app or game, you can try requesting a refund. Just fill out the form describing why you would like a refund and then click Submit.It's up to Apple's discretion whether they will refund your money or not depending on the issue.
Better me app refund. Apps A beginner’s guide to the BetterMe workout app. BetterMe workout app can become an interesting addition to your selection of fitness and health apps – based on actual personal experience I wouldn’t give this app any stars at all, but you have to in order to write a review. Thus app is over priced and us not user friendly. It advertises a 30 day satisfaction guarantee, but does not back it. They will not refund your money, the guarantee is a lie, it takes weeks for someone to get back to you when you’re in need of assistance. Google has an excellent, clear refund policy that makes it easy to get your money back on accidental purchases, including apps, in-app purchases, or subscriptions. If your app purchase was made. Question: Q: I would like a refund for n Better Me App order # ML41KB96HT I did not realize there was a immediate charge I thought there was a 7 day free period . The Better Me I Tune App . More Less. iPhone XR Posted on Aug 29, 2019 12:45 PM. Reply I have this question too (22.
BetterMe: Home Workouts & Diet To Lose Weight is designed to catch up with every woman personal training needs. Whether you're looking to lose some weight at home, get a personal diet plan, tack water intake or get personal trainer advice, we’ve got you covered. Our 30 day weight loss challenges for all body parts will help you tone up your body and lose weight in specific areas if your body. Is BetterHelp right for me? BetterHelp may be right for you if you're looking to improve the quality of your life. Whenever there is anything that interferes with your happiness or prevents you from achieving your goals, we may be able to help. We also have counselors who are specialized in specific issues, such as stress, anxiety. What I don't understand is why the app store doesn't have a refund button like they do on the Android market. On that market you have up to 15min to decide if you want to keep the app or get a refund. Downloaded the app. Answered the questions and submitted. It took $149.99 out of my account right away. I canceled the subscription I did not know I signed up for but they kept my money. I submitted a request to Apple for a refund and they said that my request did not meet the requirements for a refund. Thank you Apple for NOT having my back!!!
Contacts. Send questions, suggestions of cooperation or simply drop a line, if you like us. We will answer during the day. Contact Form - Walk to reduce stress and sleep better. And even minutes after lodging a complaint the company refuses to refund. I am approaching the Pune cyber crime cell and lodging a cheating complaint. Developer Response ,. to refund for such unethical activity being allowed in App Store so they are going to process please be careful with ME App. BetterMe is the fastest-growing family of Health&Fitness apps in the world, with over 50 million installs and 6 million members across social media platforms. Better results in less time. Cons. As far as the features are concerned, I did not find any negative points in the app. BetterMe has it all to make it the best health and fitness app. But it is a premium app and you have to buy a membership of $9.99 per month. It doesn’t offer any features for free. Wrapping Up
I loaded “Better me” app. to my phone, but didn’t accept the free 1 week offer and cancelled the application from my phone, do they still charge me?. You can always ask, and people do get refunds on a case by case basis, but Apple can also say no. To request a refund: Request a refund for an App Store or iTunes Store purchase - https. You can use the app with a free trial the first time you use it, but you have to cancel the subscription from Google or Apple to completely unsubscribe. If you don't cancel your subscription from Google or Apple, you'll still be charged for the service even if you delete the app from your phone. BetterMe is an app for people who will try anything to better themselves. The app uses public humiliation to help keep your appointments, to achieve your goals, and to jump out of bed in the mornings. Features include an alarm clock, goal tracking, and GPS check-ins system to keep your recurring appointments. Better Me app from Ukraine is A SCAM! the Better Me app from Ukraine is a scam. You click thinking it is free then they charge you $160 for a year's subscription and there is no way you can get a refund. BE CAREFUL!!!!!