Benq Gv1 App Store

The BenQ GV1 sports a limited app store and few physical connectivity options. Restrictions with wireless streaming also make it a bit awkward to use when paired with a smartphone, making it hard.
Benq gv1 app store. BenQ Smart Control is a remote controller app for your display device. It makes your mobile device a remote control, a mouse pad, a remote keyboard, and even a voice searching control. Support Device: BenQ Smart Control app supports BenQ GV1, GS2, TK810, and E600 / E800 series only. USB-CTM PORT: GV1’s do-it-all USB-CTM port can stream media from laptops and phones while charging it at the same time. GV1 supplies power to your mobile device only when the power adaptor is plugged in. PEACE OF MIND: with BenQ's 3-year on parts and labor and excellent customer service › See more product details BenQ Smart Control is a remote controller app for your display device. It makes your mobile device a remote control, a mouse pad, a remote keyboard, and even a voice searching control. Support Device: BenQ Smart Control app supports BenQ GV1, GS2, TK810, and E600 / E800 series only. The BenQ GV1 Projector is a stylish and portable projector but has some severe hurdles to overcome. The middling app store can be overlooked. Still, the issues around iOS streaming are just too hard to ignore, especially since the lack of an HDMI port severely limits physical connectivity.
The GV1 retails for $349 at Amazon and at the BenQ site. The projector comes with a three year warranty. How I tested the BenQ GV1. Over a few weeks, I used the BenQ GV1 at home, then took it with me on a working vacation in Maine. The GV1 comes with a mesh carrying case for travel. I wanted to see how practical it was to take the projector. BenQ Smart Control is designed for GV1, GS2, and TK810 use. Please make the BenQ projector is one the of the 3 models mentioned above. If it is, please have your projector and smart phone connected to the same WiFi, then open the app to do projector control. Mit dem GV1 Beamer für Zuhause von BenQ setzen Sie gesellige Video- und Spielabende oder Ihre Arbeitsumgebung definitiv ins rechte Licht! Der mini Beamer für Handys wurde für den barrierefreien und einfachen Einsatz konzipiert und streamt Filme, Videos, Musik und vieles mehr mit der neuesten WLAN-, Bluetooth- und USB-C™-Konnektivität von BenQ. Light up your get-togethers, work and play spaces, no matter the setting, the BenQ GV1 portable battery projector will brighten any space. Designed for wireless entertainment, the GV1 instantly streams movies, videos, music and more with the latest Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB-C, HDMI leading connectivity.
「BenQ Smart Controller」のレビューをチェック、カスタマー評価を比較、スクリーンショットと詳細情報を確認することができます。「BenQ Smart Controller」をダウンロードしてiPhone、iPad、iPod touchでお楽しみください。 Le BenQ GV1 dispose de sa propre interface. Il tourne sous Android et s’accompagne de l’App Store aptoide TV. Il permet d’installer rapidement et facilement les principales applications dont vous aurez besoin pour le projecteur (YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, etc.) On note tous de même l’absence de Twitch, Molotov et My Canal. Light up your get togethers, work and play spaces, no matter the setting, the BenQ GV1 portable battery projector will brighten any space. Designed for wireless entertainment, the GV1 instantly streams movies, videos, music and more with the latest Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB-C leading connectivity. What can be better than an on-the-go home. Light up your get together, work and play spaces, or wherever you go with BenQ GV1 ultraportable battery projector. Simply designed for totally wire-free fun, GV1 instantly streams movies, videos, music and more with latest WiFi, Bluetooth, and USB-CTM connectivity. We prepare GV1 how to videos to guide you how to use step by step.
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