Background App Refresh Iphone Meaning

How to turn off Background App Refresh in iOS 7.. For the first time since the introduction of the first iPhone and iOS, apps can run in the background, carrying out whatever tasks are.
Background app refresh iphone meaning. Yes. Background App Refresh is not related to notifications. When Background App Refresh is enabled for an app, it means that the app can update itself even if you are not using it. For example, apps that track data usage use Background App Refres... Apps have been able to refresh in background since iOS 3. Now with iOS 7 you have some control over that capability. If you turn off Refresh for Google maps, then any time you are using it to navigate and you switch to a different app it will lose information about where you are. You will need to have background apps turned on in Option One or Option Three to be able to turn on or off individual apps that can run in the background. If you do not see Microsoft Edge (or any app) listed, then reset the app. It should appear in this list afterwards. 3 When finished, you can close Settings if you like. Background refresh is part of what allows any app for iPhone or iPad to appear to be multitasking all the time. The truth is, they're really multitasking "just in time" by updating in the background whenever they have the opportunity — or right before they figure you'll be launching them.
Background App Refresh allows your apps to check for new information in the background in an intelligent and controlled manner. Because of Background App Refresh, apps do not get a blank check to run in the background, but instead are only able to refresh at certain times, locations, and battery levels. Background app refresh is pivotal for apps as it enables them to refresh their content. Hence, they are able to run smoothly or deliver consistent performance. With that said, the BAR is known to be one of the most power-hungry features. Besides, it also consumes plenty of data. A feature called “background app refresh” allows apps to check for updates — for example, new emails in an email app — in the background. To prevent an app from running in the background in this way, you don’t need to use the multitasking view. Instead, just disable background refresh for such apps. Using your phone is a balance of enjoying your apps, getting the longest battery life, and managing your data usage. By taking a few minutes to adjust the settings on your phone you can do all of these at once! One way you can make the most of your apps is by letting them work in the background using Background App Refresh. Your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch can refresh apps in the background so.
Downloading data in the background before it is needed minimizes the lag time in displaying that data when the user launches the app. To support Background App Refresh for your app, do the following: Enable the background fetch capability in your app (). Call the set Minimum Background Fetch Interval(_:) method of UIApplication at launch time. If background app refresh is on, the apps check for content in an intelligent and efficient way that limits the battery your iPhone or iPad is using. To limit the usage of your iPhone battery, background app refresh only happens at certain times which maximins the efficiency of how the feature affects your iPhone. Does Turning Off Background App Refresh Save Battery Life on an iPhone? Yes, a battery-saving feature that is often overlooked called Background App Refresh.The iPhone and iPad are inherently “connected” devices, flinging data such as new emails, weather reports, gaming high scores, and more back and forth over the Wi-Fi or cellular networks. I turn off the background app refresh on everything except my weather, step counter, and data usage monitoring apps. Most apps don't need constant refreshing if they're not in active use. Switching the app refresh off did help my battery life, and I've read that Facebook is particularly notorious for sucking up power in the background.
Apple says that Background App Refresh “allows apps to refresh their content when on Wi-Fi or cellular in the background”, meaning when the app is not in use but still connected to an internet connection. Disabling this feature on the iPhone or iPad is easy, and most users probably won’t even notice the difference of having it off versus. Again, Background App Refresh only helps apps running in the background to do so more efficiently. Turning it off does not stop apps from running in the background. Apps need to run in the background if you want them to perform well. Most don't stay in the background long. I keep all my apps on for background app refresh. No battery issues. 4. Turn off Background App Refresh entirely by choosing Off – you also have the option to set it to refresh only while using Wi-Fi or while using Wi-Fi & Cellular Data. To customize based on your usage habits, turn off Background App Refresh by individual app via the menu beneath. With Background App Refresh, suspended apps can check for updates and new content. If you want suspended apps to check for new content, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and turn on Background App Refresh. If you quit an app from the app switcher, it might not be able to run or check for new content before you open it again.