Background App Refresh Ios

Question: Q: Background App Refresh is grayed out. I cannot change the background app refresh settings on iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.2. The whole settings page is grayed out. Rebooting has not helped. More Less. Posted on Feb 1, 2017 7:16 AM.
Background app refresh ios. Background app refresh is a feature on your phone that allows apps to refresh their content in the background. This way the app can chack information while it is in the background. It can check only new content according to a certain plan. It can also happen when your battery is in a certain state. iOS users concerned about the data apps are sending, especially at night and without user knowledge, can turn off Background App Refresh in the Settings app and can use a VPN like Disconnect's. Disabling Background App Refresh on iPhone and iPad in iOS 10. Turn on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10. From the Home screen, open the Settings app. Select on General. Select on Background App Refresh. From the list of apps, change the toggle to OFF for the apps that you don’t want to refresh in the background. All of that changed a couple of years ago thanks to “Background App Refresh,” a feature introduced with iOS 7 that let third-party apps go out and pull new messages, headlines, status updates.
A good hypothetical use for it would be some app that tracks tour mileage and plots it on a map. You may be on a long trip and you don't need to be looking at a phone while driving, so this would be a good use for background app refresh so the app can continue to measure your distance even when you have your phone locked or are on the phone itself. This happens all the time throughout the system in iOS 13: Safari can’t keep even a single tab open in the background, every app boots from scratch, and using iOS feels like it has regressed to. The "top" setting for Background App Refresh is turned on and I can see a list of apps that have Background App Refresh turned on or off but NONE of the settings on this screen are accessible.. (I’d really prefer not to do) or 2) Wait for the next iOS update. We already had a minor update since my original post that did not fix my issue. Background refresh is part of what allows any app for iPhone or iPad to appear to be multitasking all the time. The truth is, they're really multitasking "just in time" by updating in the background whenever they have the opportunity — or right before they figure you'll be launching them.
Background data refresh is an important part of ensuring that your app always has the latest data ready to present to the user and will vastly increase the speed perception of your application. iOS makes it very easy to implement background refresh in just three easy steps and less than 75 lines of code. Background App Refresh Settings. iOS 7 increases user control over the Application Lifecycle by allowing users to opt out of backgrounding for applications registered for background processing. This does not prevent applications from running background tasks. But now, with iOS 11 on iPhone, you can choose to turn Background App Refresh on only when your device is using a WiFi connection. That way, you can enjoy the perks of the feature without worrying about how much data it’s using. Here’s how to set background app refresh to Wi-Fi only with iOS 11 on iPhone. If the absence of Background App Refresh would have a significant impact on your app’s user experience, you can check the background Refresh Status property of UIApplication to determine whether the feature is available. Users can disable Background App Refresh for your app or for all apps in Settings.
To get a better understanding of what Background App Refresh adds to the iOS experience, here is Apple’s own definition of Background App Refresh. …Apps can continue to run for a short period of time and are then set to a suspended state so they are not actively in use, open, or taking up system resources. Alternatively, you can tap the Background App Refresh option at the top and adjust the setting for all apps based on internet connectivity (Off, Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi & Cellular Data). With Background App Refresh turned off, iOS apps won’t update or run in the background, instead they’ll stay paused until they’re directly active again on screen. And as an added bonus of disabling the same feature, you might notice a bit longer of battery life too. Whatever your motivation, we’ll show you how to disable Background App. How to turn off Background App Refresh in iOS 7.. you can disable what Apple calls Background App Refresh on an app-by-app basis, or completely with just a few taps. To get started, go into.