App Icon Badges Missing

How to restore deleted and missing app icons 1. Check your app drawer. The “App drawer” is usually the best place to start if you’re missing essential icons on your device. If you’re not sure, the app drawer is the icon in the middle of your bottom dock, that opens a menu containing most of the apps found on your device.
App icon badges missing. icon badge works every time you get a message. On the new OS they have made it so if you go into app it clears badge icon even if you haven't read all the messages. I thing Samsung should return to the old way app icon badges used to work. Most launchers do support notification badges and it shouldn’t be a problem to make it work; Tweak the settings to switch on the feature and check if it works as intended to solve notification badges not showing on Galaxy S9. Method 8: Update Google Play Store, Android OS and the App. Updates are an important part for every device to work as. I opened my email app on my Galaxy S8 yesterday to find a ton of unread emails, dating back to last Sunday. I quickly realised that this is because my notification app icon badges arent showing up to alert me to new unread emails. I'm also not getting them for other apps such as Facebook and Instagr... When you have a new message, email or missed call, you will be able to swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Notification Panel and see at a glance what the notification details are. When there are notifications sitting in the Notification panel, you will also see an icon in the very top of the screen, as well as an Badge on the application itself.
How to fix problems with notification badge icon on the home screen of a Galaxy smartphone. While you may have to wait for a software update for issues like this, there is a simple fix available for this problem that should solve it right away. Try this solution: Open settings app > Apps > Tap on 3-dot menu in the top right corner > Special Access Select the three dots icon located at the upper-right corner, then choose “Home screen settings“. Scroll down and select “Hide apps“. Here’s the change -> Find the app. CHECK the app. (This means Hide the App). Press Save. Then UNCHECK the app ( This means unhide the app) and Press Save. This restored the app to the launcher for me. S8 App Icon Badge Missing After Software Update. Problem: I recently updated my Galaxy S8 and after the update I no longer see the icon for my notifications. So when i get a text message and go. App Icon Badge Settings. The latest version of Android, Oreo, has a new feature of turning off the App icon badge. Thus, make sure the App icon badge setting is turned on. Go to your phone’s Settings and tap on notifications. Scroll down to ‘App icon badges’ and toggle on the switch next to it.
Imessage does not show the Badge App Icon when a message is received on new device. All other Notification settings are ON. Using my other Ipad(Ver. 9.3.5), every thing works properly. The Badge Icon displays a number Do Not Disturb is OFF, did many restarts, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. I know a new version of Microsoft Launcher came out recently, but now I am NOT getting any notification badges for OUTLOOK emails. I reinstalled the outlook app, confirmed I have notifications within the app set ON, and confirmed that settings in both android and Launcher have notification badges turned on. 3. Scan for Updates Manually. If you don’t see a notification badge on the App Store icon, it usually denotes that there aren’t any pending app updates for your iPhone or iPad. LG V30 settings, general, apps & notifications, notifications, icon badges - I selected show with number. LG V30 settings, general, apps & notifications, apps info, app notification (for each app) - I turned on Icon badge. Microsoft launcher home screen settings, personalization, notification badges, display number - I selected badge number.
In many cases, the Home screen will refresh and the icon(s) will return. 2. Ensure App is Not Disabled. Under “Settings” > “Apps & notifications” > “App info“. Choose the app that goes missing, and ensure the app is not disabled. 3. Ensure the Launcher Does Not Have the App Hidden An icon badge displays as a small circle or a number on the corner of an app's icon. Badges are based on notifications - if an app has one or more notifications, it will have a badge. Some apps will combine multiple notifications into one, and may only show the number 1. Other times, the badge may go away if you clear your notifications. An app icon badge shows you the number of unread alerts and it’s omnipresent on the app icon. It’s a simple way to tell, at a glance, if you have unread messages in the Gmail or Messages app. Come Android O, apps that choose to support them will now have app icon badges. Question: Q: Badge App Icon Notification Missing! When I get a new text message the notification shows kn my locked screen as set up on Notifications. Once I unlock my phone the text message icon does not show the small red circle with the number of unread messages.