App Event Tracking

Events Metrics. 12/16/2019; 3 minutes to read; In this article. Events are actions that users take in your app. By tracking events in your app, you will learn more about your users' behavior and understand the interaction between your users and your apps.
App event tracking. With a social app, we want hooks within the apps itself that attract new users i.e. ways for existing users to bring new users into the app via. content sharing, or invites etc. Users consuming content : No matter what the social app is about (videos, text, pictures etc.) it is critical that the users who are in the app are consuming content. Event Tracking. This developer guide describes how to use the Google Analytics SDK v4 for Android to measure events in your app. Overview. Events are a useful way to collect data about a user's interaction with interactive components of your app, like button presses or the use of a particular item in a game. IDConference app is an event management app for organizers and planners for fast registration of their attendees. Application allows organizers to register, track and collect data of their attendees. ONLINE - CREATE AN EVENT App works together with registration on event management online platform EventID ( To ensure your app doesn’t exceed limits and quotas it is not recommended to measure things like how many times a player presses the jump button. Developer guides for events. Event Tracking - Android SDK; Event Tracking - iOS SDK; Events - GA Plugin for Unity; Reporting for events. Event data is available in:
Download our complimentary attendance tracking app to your smartphones and tablets. In just a short time you’ll be ready to scan event participants to collect their session attendance, time and duration with your own devices! Your scan data will upload in real time to the cloud-based application. Our Android app will be available soon. With AIDA, easily create event apps for meetings, conferences, exhibitions, expos, trade shows etc. Customize your mobile event app according to your need and enable easy event sign up with the app. You can also get branded iOS & Android event tracker apps with live audience tracking. Event Tracking If you can’t see what people are doing, how will you follow up? Every login, play, and click is information you can use to improve your marketing. Event tracking lets you see what people are doing in your app, membership site, website, or online portal. This example sets the tracking level for the app mule-flights and its flow to TRACKING, and disables the message replay facility. The mule-flights app sends some notifications to the event tracking service, but doesn’t copy each received message. None of the flows in the mule-flights app can be replayed from the event tracking service.
Is tracking your day to day events being difficult for you? Do you lose track of your daily activities? Look no further. Start using this powerful configurable event tracking app - WhenDidI Lite - Event Tracker to track your daily activities. This unique event tracking app includes widget support, alerts, backup capabilities to your local SD card and Dropbox, and a full range of functions to. Event Attendee tracking and other barcode enabled tracking systems costs hundreds of dollars to rent and often end up not fitting your needs. With TracerPlus Event Tracking Apps for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile, you can easily capture the visitor data you need and then connect it to your CRM system, Access or just Excel. In app event tracking means to have a detailed overview of the post – install activities inside your app. It offers you many hints about the way users interact with your app. That allows you to improve your campaigns in terms of acquisition, engagement, and retention. Facebook App Event Tracking. Facebook App Events allows your app or web page to track events, such as a person installing your app or completing a purchase.
The app shows their current location on various maps, view overall and split times along with the route taken between points selected by the event organiser. The app brings together events from Open Tracking and our partners: Primal Tracking (Ireland), Dot Track (Asia), Track Me Live (Australia) and Adventure Enablers (USA). IOS App Tracking. For iPhone, iPad, iPod, AppleTV, etc. Dont have an account? Signup or add your app to an existing account. Opentracker's events engine supports tracking of iOS users and native app events. This is done by including the Opentracker iOS library in your app and following the instructions below. Eventur’s event management software features include the best Registration Software, Check in Kiosk, Badge Solutions, Event App, Educational Portal, attendance tracking and Certificate Processing. With our many integrations Eventur shines as a world class solution. Plan smart, relevant conversations with prospects by knowing the web pages that piqued their interest and their interactions with your app. Use our libraries to start tracking events Activity timeline. Simplify event tracking by giving your sales team a chronological timeline view into every customer's engagement with your business.