Accuweather Apple Watch Not Updating

AccuWeather has local and international weather forecasts from the most accurate weather forecasting technology featuring up to the minute weather reports
Accuweather apple watch not updating. The issue with Accu Weather not updating is because the Location Finder must be active or the watch refuses to update. I have verified this several times over again. Definitely the result of not being able to find it's location through the phone because the phone's Location service is off. In the last day, I notice that the Weather complication does not display and tapping causes teh Weather app to spin and spin but never load. Earlier I rebooted the watch and the phone and got it back briefly, but now it is gone again. Tried rebooting both again with no luck. The Apple Watch can show a lot of really nifty pieces of information on its clock face, which is great for seeing important data at a glance. But when it comes to setting your weather, stock, and default world clock to show on the watch face, it can be hard to figure out how — and where — to do it. I just traveled to Orlando from Denver over the weekend and then back to Denver. The weather on the watch updated to the current location when I took it out of Airplane Mode (phone first, then watch). The watch would then keep updating the weather as usual with no issues. iPhone X 11.2.6 AW 3 LTE, 4.2.3
AccuWeather not updating. Discussion in 'Android Devices' started by Phoenix1974, Dec 6, 2012. Phoenix1974 Well-Known Member. Thread Starter. Anyone else having a problem with their AccuWeather widget? Mine shows the right date but it will not update the weather and hasn't done since the 4th. Weather apps not updating. Started with Dark Sky and now weather channel won’t update on the watch. The stock weather app will, but I prefer Dark Sky.. My girlfriend asked for the Series 5 Apple Watch this year, and I’m super stoked to give it to her! I decided it would be more fun if she opens my “Refurbished” version first though. Tips to Fix Apple Watch Not Updating Weather Issue. Ensure that the Weather app has access to Cellular Data (if you are using it on your iOS device.) If you are using cellular on your iPhone, make sure the Weather app has access to your data. In case it’s already using the data, disallow it and then restart both your watch and smartphone. All Wearables & Smartwatches Fashion Smartwatches MARQ Luxury Watch Collection Running Multisport Adventure Swimming Diving Golf Fitness Tracking Kids Wearables. Maps . Wearable Maps Golf Maps Golf Course Locator. Accessories . Wearable & Smartwatch Accessories Apps. Discover .
Love it 😊 but room for improvements I have been using accuweather for 7 years now and one thing I noticed is it is having a crash report on the Apple Watch ⌚️ and it’s not working 100% on the Apple Watch ⌚️ and I noticed it lags during start up on my new iPhone X’r I am using iOS 12.4 and it also lags on my Apple Watch ⌚️ I don’t know if you developers are aware of this. To turn the Apple Watch back on, press and hold the side button. When you see the Apple logo, let go. [UPDATE: Sep 2] SInce publication, I've noticed that, after a few days, the dashes return. If you have not yet done so, it may help to update the AccuWeather app on your iPhone and iOS to the latest software versions (the latest version of iOS is currently iOS 11.0.1). Update the iOS on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support. It may also help to remove and reinstall the AccuWeather app on your Apple Watch: Keep your Apple Watch on its charger until the update completes. On your iPhone, open the Apple Watch app, then tap the My Watch tab. Tap General > Software Update. Download the update. If asked for your iPhone passcode or Apple Watch passcode, enter it. Wait for the progress wheel to appear on your Apple Watch.
The watch is not showing anywhere in her iCloud account, however when I go to set up my phone to the apple Watch it says her Apple ID is still locked on there. We phoned apple they said we have done everything correct. apple said they will fix it however that was 11 days ago and we still have no fix just a lot of excuses from apple. Knowing what the forecast is going to not only help you plan your life accordingly but also keeps you informed of any special weather alerts which can keep you safe. Although the Apple Watch has a built-in weather app, there are plenty of options available that offer even more information. Here are our favorite weather apps for your Apple Watch. Question: Q: Apple Watch Weather Widget not updating . Ever since watchOS4 the app widget doesn’t update automatically. It’s set to show location but most of the time it won’t update. Please fix, very annoying. I put watch in airplane mode then switch out and then weather updates. iPhone weather app is working. Let Weather app refresh its data in the background. It might help the app run smoothly. Open Settings app → General → Make sure Background App Refresh toggle is on and then turn on the switch next to Weather app. Then reboot your device. Once your iPhone has restarted, check out if the widget is not working or not.